I arched my brow in amusement when Rhys pushed me down onto the sofa. “We need to talk, Daddy-o-mine.” He pushed me further against the sofa as he straddled my lap and jutted his jaw out.
I relaxed back against the sofa, raising my arms and resting my hands behind my head. “Do we?”
I winced when I felt a sharp jab in the chest where Rhys had poked me none too gently.
“Yeah, we do. I get your Daddy instincts are all up right now, and most times it’s really fucking hot.”
“Language, baby boy,” I warned, smirking. It wasn’t often I got to see this no-nonsense side of Rhys.
Rhys rolled his eyes and poked me again in the chest. “You know I fu—really love you, and I love how safe you make me feel. But I don’t want you feeling like you have to watch over me instead of working, or doing stuff you need to do.”
“Baby, I’m not giving anything up or losing out on work. You have to understand, though. You’re my number one priority, and I wouldn’t be able to focus if I knew you were by yourself and there was a risk of your dad or stepmother turning up again.” I unclasped my hands from behind my head, reaching out to pull Rhys against me and kissing the crown of his head.
Rhys huffed out a grumpy sound against my neck. “I hate when you use logic on me.”
I brought my hands around his waist, letting them rest on his slim hips. “I know, baby bear. Now what do you need from Daddy to help you feel better?”
He sank deeper into my arms, his breath fanning out against my throat. “I want to get out of my head for a while. Remember that I’m yours.” He whispered the last part.
“I can do that, baby. Do you want to go to your playroom?” I was already thinking about what we could do together. Rhys needed to be reassured that what he and I had started to build together wasn’t going to be torn away from him. I had some ideas already. They might push my boy’s limits, but I was certain they would send him deep into little space where he could finally relax after the day he’d had.
Rhys sat up straighter, smiling slightly. “That would be wonderful.”
“I might push you a bit today, but only because I want you to sink further down than normal, to let go and trust Daddy has you.” I stroked his cheek with my fingers.
Rhys pushed his cheek against my palm. “I want that, Daddy.”
I could feel the slight prickle of his beard coming through, which gave me another idea.
“All right baby, what’s your safe word?” I wasn’t going to go in like a bull in a china shop. I needed to remind Rhys that if anything made him uncomfortable or he didn’t like it, he could safeword.
“Porridge, Daddy,” Rhys answered quickly, eyes wide with excitement.
“All right baby bear, here’s what we’re going to do. I want you to head to the bathroom and wait for me to come in and undress you. Then we’re going to have a nice relaxing shower, and then Daddy is going to shave you.” I dropped my voice lower, knowing it drove Rhys deeper into his space.
“Shave me?”
“Yes. I like my baby boy to be smooth,” I gave his hip a gentle squeeze, and smirked when I noticed the sizable bulge already forming in the front of his jeans.
“Oh.” Rhys blushed down to the roots of his hair. I found it so damn cute I couldn’t help but kiss him softly.
“And after that?” he whispered between our kisses.
“After that, I’m going to dress my baby in the new onesie I got him, and some adorable underwear I got specially for my perfect boy.”
Rhys’s mouth formed a perfect O.
I chuckled softly, kissing him again. “And today, if you need to go potty, you need to ask Daddy to come help you.” I tilted his chin so he was looking at me. “Colour, baby?”
“Green, Daddy. I’m nervous as f—flip, but I want to try.”
I pulled him in close and hugged him hard. “I’m so proud of you, my beautiful boy.” I patted his bottom gently, encouraging him to move off my lap. “Now go wait for me in the bathroom while Daddy locks up and gets things ready.”
Rhys shot me a cheeky smile and gave a cute wiggle of his bottom. “Don’t make me wait too long, Daddy.”
“I don’t plan on it, baby bear. And before I forget, no touching. That cute little cock of yours is out of bounds tonight.” Rhys pouted and let out a soft huff before he turned and scampered off to the bathroom.
I quickly did the rounds of the flat, making sure the door was locked. Moving to the playroom, I unpacked the new onesie for Rhys. It was a teddy bear, with a round tail on the bottom and a hood that pulled up with brown ears and a sweet little nose. The underwear was just as cute, covered in teddy bears dancing and playing. My boy was going to look fucking adorable.