“Is that a trick question?” I giggled, and wiggled again.
“I hope you’re not touching yourself, baby bear?”
I looked up from under my lashes, trying to look innocent. All the while, my cock was taking a lot of interest. “Nope, no touching here.”
Simon let out a barking laugh and sighed. “I should have expected this.”
“Expected what?” He didn’t seem cross—if anything, he seemed amused by my behaviour.
“From the little you’ve told me, you lived under some pretty strict rules, and not behaving was dealt with pretty harshly,” he said softly.
I nodded. I had yet to sit down and tell him what my life was like at home in any detail, but I knew one day soon I would have to.
“And you know you’re safe with me. Acting out and testing Daddy’s limits is normal, but you also know that if you’re naughty there will be punishments. This is why I want us to talk. If, for example, you were bratty to Daddy and didn’t listen, how would it feel to you to have to sit in time out? Or be put over my knee and spanked?”
I thought about it. My father and his forms of punishment were designed to make me feel terrible, in pain. It was never about my behaviour, but about his lack of control over me. He hurt me because he could, using cruel words, a switch, or a belt to beat me into submission.
Simon wasn’t like that. I knew any punishment from him would be an act of caring and correction. “No belts or switches, and no name calling. I can’t deal with those. But I think time out and spankings would be okay.”
Simon reached over the table and took my hand in his, squeezing it gently. “My brave baby bear. Thank you for telling me that. I promise I would never do those things. Pain and degradation aren’t my kink. A soft bottom paddled a pretty shade of red though? Hmmm.” The grin he gave made a giggle burst out of me. “Okay, I think that’s a good start. As we think of things we can write them down, and once we’ve had lunch we can go into the spare room. I have some things to show you.”
“What sort of things?” I wondered if it had something to do with all the boxes and storage crates that were still packed neatly to one side of the room. I’d reined in my inquisitive nature and not snooped before now.
“Fun things, I promise you.”
I huffed and crossed my arms. “You’re not going to tell me?”
Simon took a big bite of his roll and shook his head. He chewed his food slowly, watching me pick at my lunch. Once he’d finished his mouthful he said, “Eat it all up. You’re going to need your energy.”
Ugh. Daddy was so mean. I made a show of eating my lunch as fast as I could, until Simon gave me a warning scowl. Pouting, I slowed down. I wanted to know what Simon had to show me, right now.
Chapter 13
I had to bite back a laugh as I watched Rhys scarf down his lunch, though he did slow down to savour his small pack of crisps. I was seriously going to have to keep an eye on my boy’s junk food addiction. Rhys was letting more of his playful side come out, and I was loving it. There was an adorable little brat hiding inside of my boy, and the two sides of Rhys’s personality blended perfectly.
Our talk this afternoon had helped relieve some of my concerns, though I still worried about possible triggers for my boy. I didn’t want to push him too much on his past this early, but it was something we would soon need to talk about, if only so I knew how better to care for him— and protect him, if it came to that.
The clothes I’d picked out at Mags’s stall were perfect. Today would be his first time being able to explore his little side fully, and I was as excited as he was.
“Are you looking forward to our play time this afternoon, baby?”
Rhys’s face lit up. “I am, but I’m a little bit nervous. I have no idea what I’m supposed to do.”
“Just be yourself, baby bear. There is no right or wrong. Go with what your gut tells you,” I said, picking up our plates. I was pleased to see Rhys had finished everything.
“I just don’t know how little I’ll go. What if I don’t regress at all? Or I go too little for you?” Rhys chewed his lip, biting at the soft flesh.
Reaching out, I popped his lip from between his teeth. “Don’t do that, baby. You’ll hurt yourself. And to answer your question, you’ll never not be perfect to me. Middle or little, sippy cup or bottle, none of that matters, as long as you’re happy.”
“But what—what if I wanted to wear diapers?” Rhys’s cheeks flamed, and he dropped his gaze. That wouldn’t do.
I stood and moved around to Rhys’s seat, kneeling so I was eye level. I reached up and cupped his cheek. “Baby boy, whatever you want, I’m overjoyed to share it with you. And if it helps settle your mind, I’ll let you in on a secret.”
Rhys’s gaze flicked up to meet mine. He pressed his cheek against my palm.“What, Daddy?”
I leaned forward and brushed my nose against his. “I’d love nothing better than my sexy baby boy swaddled up in a soft diaper.” Rhys’s breath caught, and his blue eyes grew wider. “Don’t worry about disappointing me, baby bear. You’re already perfect.”