“You look adorable, baby bear, but I can see you’re thinking hard about something.” Simon wrapped me in his arms, and I took a moment just to enjoy his warmth.
“I was thinking how safe I feel with you. How I can actually be me and not be afraid—but that kind of scares me too, you know?” I spoke against the soft fabric of Simon’s tee, tightening my arms around his waist.
“I won’t lie, baby, it scares me too—but in a good way. Like there’s so much to learn about each other, and I’m sure we’re going to have our ups and downs, but what I feel in my heart? It’s real. This thing between us is not going anywhere.”
“How do you do that?” I looked up, catching his gaze.
“Do what, baby?”
My heart strummed against my chest as I wove my hand through Simon’s curls. “You always know the right things to say. How?”
He brushed his nose against mine, smiling. “Let you in on a secret. I’m flying blind here. But I know how my gut feels about us, and it’s never wrong.”
Smiling, I patted his flat stomach. “It’s a good belly.”
“It’s a hungry one, too. Come on, let’s go eat.” Simon took my hand and led me through to the kitchen.
Simon had made us both roast beef baps with a small plate of fruit and a snack packet of crisps alongside my plate. My stomach gave a loud rumble as I sat down. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until I saw the food in front of me.
Taking a bite, I motioned to the sheets of paper on the table. “So how exactly does this work?”
Simon shook his head fondly. “No talking with your mouth full, baby bear. This is where we write down things that you might want to try; things that may appeal to your little side. But also, some simple rules, rewards and punishments.”
I was tempted to sass Simon, but it was like he knew and he levelled me with a stern look. Chewing slowly, I made sure to swallow before I spoke. “Um. Would we do, you know, sex stuff when I was little?”
“That’s up to you. Whatever you’re comfortable with. This is all new to you, both letting yourself experience your little space, and being intimate with someone.”
“By intimate you mean sex, right? Because I am very much in favour of doing lots of that.” I really was. Yeah, it was all new, and maybe a little bit daunting, but it also felt so right with Simon.
“But while you were little?” Simon gave me a thoughtful look.
“To be honest? I don’t know. I’ve not really had much playtime in a little space. Can we maybe play it by ear?” I really didn’t know how I would feel about anything sexual once I was in my little headspace, but I trusted Simon to help guide me.
Simon tapped his pencil on the paper. “We’ll make sexual ageplay a soft limit for now, and we can come back and see how we both feel later.”
“Soft limit. Yeah, that works for me. What next?” I’d forgotten about my lunch until Simon pointed at my plate.
“First, I think we need to set up some rules. Nothing scary, and for the most part they should be pretty easy for you to follow. As a Daddy, I like to make sure my boy is healthy and getting enough rest.” Simon’s brow lifted. “That means no reading under the bed covers until 3 a.m.”
I slapped a hand to my chest in mock outrage. How did he know I did that?
“I didn’t. You just gave yourself away.” Simon grinned.
Ohh, that sneaky poop head.
“Crap. Okay. And I suppose your need to feed me up is part of your rules?” I didn’t hate it. On the contrary, I’d never eaten so well or felt so healthy, and the diet of chips and junk food I’d lived on since leaving home was probably not the best.
Simon nodded. “I’m not going to stop you having the occasional cake or bar of chocolate—I’m not that mean—but you’re going to learn a bit of moderation. And another thing, I don’t like when my little boys swear. It’s not really an issue with you, as you tend not to swear very often, but it’s one of my rules.” Simon tapped his chin and smiled. “Though during sex I think I can forgive the occasional swear word.”
I nodded. These were sensible rules and easy to follow, really. “What other rules, Daddy?” The name slipped easily from my lips.
“No running in the flat. We don’t need a revisit of last week.”
I tried not to roll my eyes, but I couldn’t stop it. “That was one time, and the sofa was out to get me.”
“Rhys, I don’t think going over Daddy’s lap for being a cheeky boy is how you want to start our afternoon off, is it?”
Oh. Simon was using his Daddy voice. Was it wrong it went straight to my cock? I wiggled, trying to adjust myself without Simon noticing.