He captured his plump bottom lip between his teeth, and shivered in my hold. His lip slid out from between his teeth as he let out a breathy, “It’s yours, Daddy.”
I stroked, but not with enough pressure to give him relief, just enough that he’d know I held his cock. “That’s right, baby bear. This, and your orgasms from now on, belong to me.”
Rhys let out another gasp, rocking into my grasp. “All of them?”
“Yes, baby, all of them.” I searched Rhys face for any sign of hesitancy or fear, but instead he gave me a hazy smile. “Colour, baby?”
“Green, Daddy,”
“I am so very proud of you, baby. This is all so new, and you’re just so fucking perfect.” Rhys glowed under the praise. “Now, no touching your cock. Let me wash you, and then we can think about some food.”
Rhys’s stomach chose that moment to growl loudly, which sent us both into laughter.
With more laughter and smiles than I had shared in years, we managed to get ourselves washed and dressed. Rhys was slipping between little and adult space fluidly today, and I suspected it was finally getting the chance to be himself that encouraged him to switch between his headspaces. He wanted tea in his bear mug, but wiggled excitedly when I showed him the special divided plates I had for my precious littles but had never had a chance to use before now.
“We have the weekend to ourselves, so if you wanted, we could spend some time exploring your little side, finding out what you like and what you don’t.” I eyed Rhys moving his porridge around his bowl, and smirked as I saw him throw the box of Coco Pops a longing glance.
“You can have your sugar coma cereal tomorrow. Remember the deal?”
The sigh Rhys gave was mournful before he gave a cheeky smile. “Well, as I remember, we talked about that before we, um, you know.” Rhys gave the porridge another glare.
I had trouble not laughing out loud. There was a playful, bratty side to Rhys that I found both endearing and thrilling. I couldn’t wait to watch him blossom, for him to feel comfortable in himself.
“I’m a Daddy down to my toes, and, in saying that, I like to make sure my boy is eating a proper, healthy meal. But I am willing to give a little.”
Rhys nodded, scooping the porridge onto his spoon. I’d made sure to drizzle honey and a few berries over the top, knowing my boy had a sweet tooth.
I took a sip of my coffee as Rhys slowly ate his porridge. “So you didn’t answer. How would you like to spend today?”
I couldn’t lie, I was eager to spend the day exploring our dynamic, to let Rhys spend the day not having to worry about adult things, but I knew that first, we needed to talk. I loved being a Daddy Dom, but I had a few other kinks that I wanted to see if Rhys was on board with. I had to remember to pace myself, even though I was excited about this new step for us.
Rhys’s reaction in the shower had shown me he was open to orgasm control—but what about rope play? I loved to dress my boys in beautiful ropework, then tease their sweet bodies until they were begging me for release. Would Rhys find the idea titillating or intimidating?
I sipped my coffee nervously, watching Rhys’s face twist in concentration. He’d come from an environment where his autonomy was not respected, and I didn’t want to jeopardize his newfound feelings of self-control.
Our next step was up to him.
Chapter 12
How did I want to spend today?
I honestly liked the idea of spending more time in my little space, but I also knew we needed to talk, and not just about the kinky stuff. I wanted to know—had to know—what Simon felt for me. I wasn’t sure if I could take it if this was only a passing fancy until Simon found the boy he was looking for. It was true I’d never had a relationship, kinky or otherwise, but I knew my heart. I knew how I felt when I was around Simon. He made me feel calm and in control, even when I handed over that control to him. I trusted him.
“I can hear you thinking over there.” Simon’s deep voice broke through my spiralling thoughts. I looked up from my bowl of porridge and saw his brow creased in concern. “What’s got your brain going like a hurdy gurdy?”
“Honestly?” I asked.
“Yeah, baby bear. Start as you mean to go on. Honesty between us is important.” Simon sounded serious, and he had that little divot between his brows which seemed to show up when he was deep in thought or worried.
“I want to know if this is real. That in six months you’re still going to want to be my Daddy and my boyfriend.” My cheeks burned as I spoke the words, and I was sure I was blushing down to my toes. Simon put his mug down and reached out to grab my hand, his fingers warm against mine. It still surprised me how his touch grounded me. “I know, this is stupid. We’re literally only a few hours into this thing and I’m already pushing for promises of happily ever after.” I ran my free hand through my hair, laughing nervously.
“Don’t belittle your feelings, Rhys. I agree it’s only been a short time since we got our shit sorted out, but honestly? I feel the same. There was something missing from my heart, my life—and then you crashed into it.” He blinked rapidly and cleared his throat. “Fuck, and here I was, worried I was the one falling too fast.” He gave my hand another squeeze. “I can’t tell the future, Rhys, but I can say with an honest heart that I can’t imagine it without you.”
I slipped my hand from his and got up from the table, moving around until I was standing next to him. With a gentle push I managed to make him move his chair back from the table so I could straddle his lap. Bringing my hands up to cup his gorgeous, bearded face, I caught his gaze with mine. I could tell by his frown that he was having some deep thoughts of his own. It was my turn to ask what had his head spinning around. “Daddy bear, you have that look, the one where your frinkle shows up.”
“My what now?” Simon’s amber eyes lit up with interest.