“No, not yet. Can I ask something?”
“Why do you like being a Daddy? I mean, I understand kind of why I like being little. It’s a safe place in my head. The world becomes a little quieter, and I don’t think about the things that make me a ball of stress. It’s a good place, and my dad never tainted it.” Simon had been honest with me about his reservations. I at least owed him the same.
“To me, it’s…it’s not about controlling my boy, but guiding him, helping him make the best choices, while either adult or little. I want to build them up, let their personality shine. Although I won’t lie, I do enjoy my boys letting their naughty side out occasionally. It gives me an excuse to spank cute little bottoms.” He grinned, and I couldn’t help grinning back. I liked the sound of all of that.
“So even when I’m not in little space, you’d be my Daddy?”
“Only if that is something we both want. I like looking after you. I like being able to do things for you, but it doesn’t have to be an all the time thing. This is where good communication between a boy and his Daddy is so important. It’s why one of the things we are going to do is go through a checklist, to share what we want and what we don’t, and what kinks we both enjoy and what we don’t.”
“That’s where safe words come in, right?” Mitch would have been so proud of me right now, using the knowledge I’d gained through talking to him and reading the blogs.
“Exactly, baby bear. We’ll go with the stoplight system for now. It’s easiest to remember. Can you tell me what the colours mean?”
I knew this. Mitch had gone through it with me when we started talking about kinks. “Red for stop, yellow slow down and talk about what is worrying us, and green is good to go.” I smiled, feeling proud of myself again.
“That’s right baby bear. It keeps us both safe.”
I chewed my lip thinking about what he said, until Simon reached out and pulled my lip from between my teeth. “Okay. So what is something you’d like to try or do?” I asked.
Simon ran his fingers through his beard, smiling. “Hmm. I love setting a schedule for my boy, making sure he’s eating and sleeping well, having play time. And I like washing him.”
Oh, I liked the sound of that.
But Simon wasn’t finished. “I also like to reward my boy when he’s been good with special rewards, maybe a new plushie.” Oh, I liked that too. “Or maybe, if my boy has been extra good, I might let him come.”
I squeaked, and possibly almost combusted at the thought of Simon doing things to me to make me come. It made me feel hot and wiggly, dirty and good.
“I can see that appeals to you,” Simon’s voice was deeper, even sexier—if that was even possible.
I nodded, not sure I could speak.
“That’s the other thing I like to be in control of. My boy’s body is mine. No touching his cock without Daddy’s approval, and no sneaky shower jerk offs.”
Did he know I’d been doing that? I mean let’s be honest, it was his own fault for being so damn hot. I suddenly thought of earlier when I was rocking against the floor. What would Daddy Simon have done if he’d caught me?
Simon chuckled darkly, “Oh, I would have put a stop to that quickly, and if you’d come, your cute little bottom would have gotten a spanking and you’d probably be on orgasm restriction right now.”
Damn it, I’d spoken out loud again.
“Yes, you did, baby. But none of those things would happen until we’d negotiated and I knew what your hard limits were.”
Simon had seen my back, he’d seen where my father had caned me, but he’d never pushed me to tell him what happened, although it probably wasn’t hard to guess. And he obviously didn’t want to cross any lines.
When I thought of Simon spanking me, though, it didn’t awaken feelings of fear or revulsion in me. Instead, it made my cock jerk in my pyjamas, which was just a bit embarrassing. And as for the sex stuff, I’d never had a partner, so I wasn’t sure what I would like or not.
“The idea of spanking sounds sexy and good, but the stuff I saw on the dungeon site, the whips and canes, those would be a big no. It would be too much like what my father did.”
“I’m not into hard discipline, baby bear. I love giving my boy a nice erotic spanking, or if he’s been naughty, one that makes his bottom sting, but that is as far as I go,” Simon said, and I let out a relieved breath. “And what about the sexual side, sweetheart? How does that make you feel?”
I wriggled into the couch cushion, mentally telling my cock to behave. “Well, kind of horny to be honest. But also nervous. I’ve never, you know….” I tapered off, my ears burning.
“We’ll take things as slowly as you need, baby bear.” That made me feel reassured. I was nervous, but I wanted to explore that side of the relationship—whoa. I was in a relationship with Simon. Holy heck.
“So, like when I colour and play with my bears, it doesn’t seem weird or stupid to you?” I asked, needing the reassurance that this was real and not in my head.
“No sweetheart, it’s not weird, and for a man like myself—a Daddy—it makes you even more delightful and perfect for me.” He blushed lightly under his beard. “I didn’t think I could or should have this again. I was afraid you would think the worst of me, or that I was taking advantage of you.”