Page 45 of Dominant

My heart fluttered nervously.

“Can you do that, Jordan?”

I nodded. “And you?”

“Not me. The guests I’ve invited here tonight have been told they get to use the Master’s plaything, the most valued initiate in the club. It’s about them.”

I blinked. “Okay.”

“Owning you means you’re mine to give away, Jordan.” Alexander watched me for a moment, and his face softened. “Watching you do this… will mean everything to me.”

I nodded bravely, and Alexander lifted the bell off the tray, ringing it loudly.

I lowered myself onto the floor, kneeling, as was appropriate for an initiate. The door opened, and four masked men walked into the room wearing cloaks and nothing else. I recognized them all. One was Sir Vulpes, the brutal dominant I’d come to think of as George Clooney for his resemblance to that actor. Another, Sir Darkness, had escorted me around the club one night after Alexander and I had a fight and he hadn’t come. The third, Mister Strict, was a man I knew to be loyal to Alexander.

The fourth one was Sir Vicious, the leering and unpleasant man who was the whole reason I had landed in this situation in the first place. I raised widened eyes to Alexander, seeking assurances, but his face was expressionless. He leaned back in his chair and invited the four men to sit down.

The men all lifted up a glass of champagne and toasted.

“To your beautiful submissive,” said Sir Vulpes graciously.

“Very beautiful,” agreed the dark and slender Mister Strict.

Sir Vicious rubbed his hands together gleefully. “Isn’t she delicious? I’ve been dying to try her.”

I felt a chill creep down my spine. His name was apt. There was something absolutely vicious about him, something abhorrent and nasty that lay right under the jolly drunk-uncle exterior he tried to project.

The men finished their glasses of champagne and returned them to the tray, and Alexander rang the bell for another bottle. He remained seated while the men got up and hung their cloaks by the door, returning to the seating area like a hungry pack of wolves.

“Where to start?” said Mister Strict.

“Stand up, slave,” said Sir Darkness. “Let us look at you.” His mask was shaped like a cat’s face.

“Beautiful,” said Mister Strict again, as I rose from my knees and stood naked before them. My nipples were hard and puckered, whether from arousal or fear or cold, I didn’t know. Mister Strict stepped forward and cupped both of my breasts in his hands, fondling them worshipfully. “Oh God, amazing,” he said under his breath.

“Come, come, Strict,” said Sir Vicious. “We all need a piece of her. Bring her over to the ottoman.” A servant entered with a tray and Sir Vicious instructed him to leave it on the console, clearing away the ottoman.

“Get up on all fours,” instructed Sir Vicious. I did as I was told, while Sir Darkness and Mister Strict took seats on either side of me. My ass and pussy were raised and exposed and I tried to clench my legs together as I heard Sir Vicious approach me from behind.

“Spread your legs, girl,” he commanded, and roughly grabbed the back of one thigh to move it. I stepped my knees apart before he could grab the other one.

Sir Vulpes walked around in front, his large cock in its leather cock-ring bouncing at eye level, and he leaned down to whisper roughly in my ear. “I want your mouth first.”

I nodded.

He continued to speak - kindly, if firmly. “I want you to lick me as you suck me. I want you to stick out your tongue so I feel it all the way down my shaft, nice and wet and smooth. That’s how I like it. Can you do that for me?”

His soft tone and explicit instructions elicited a surprising response in me. I felt my pussy swell and moisten.

“Yes, Sir,” I answered. “I will suck your cock exactly as you want me to.”

“Good girl.” He straightened up, clearly pleased, and held his cock to my mouth, sliding it in. “If you do it just how I want, you’ll make me come in your mouth. You want that, don’t you? A mouth full of my come?”

I gave a muffled “Mm-hm,” holding my tongue as far out as I could as he thrust into me, trying to reach his balls and not choke.

Behind me, I suddenly felt Sir Vicious press one finger against my asshole, pushing the tip inside. I gasped in surprise.

“Have you anally trained her?” he asked Alexander.