Page 39 of Dominant

Her wrists were untied and two men braced her under the arms as she climbed off the equipment, stumbling at first but then finding her balance. They led her closer to us and laid her down on the floor mat, unwinding the fabric blindfold from around her eyes. She blinked as she took in the men surrounding her, her eyes adjusting to the light.

Sir Vulpes wrapped a rope around her torso, pinning her arms to her sides, and then lifted one of her feet, forcing her to bend her knee. He wrapped her calf to her thigh so that her leg remained bent. He did the same thing to the other leg and then threaded the rope under her back, looping it around each leg so that her knees were spread as far apart as they could go. She was as open and exposed as it was possible to be.

At this point, he did something surprising, which I was able to hear because they were so close to us - especially to me, since I was kneeling on the floor. He leaned over her, cupping her head very gently in his hand, and whispered in her ear: “How are you doing? Are you okay?”

She looked at him with real warmth in her eyes. “I’m good,” she answered, smiling.

“Are you sure?” he asked. His eyes twinkled with genuine kindness and concern. Suddenly, he was not at all the mean attacker he had been up until that point.

“Yes,” she answered. I saw an intimate smile pass between them, and was shocked to recognize their connection.

“Then I’m going to fuck you,” he said, still private, still gentle, and he rose to his knees, positioning himself over her.

He entered her while the other men stood around them, the two who hadn’t fucked her stroking themselves as they watched. His cock was so big, thicker than the others, that she cried out as he drove himself into her. They stared at each other with undisguised intimacy as he thrust his large cock into her, grunting like an animal, as if he was losing all control.

I could feel my own pleasure coiling inside of me as I watched. The intensity of their gaze was making my breath catch in my throat, and for a moment I thought they were talking about me when I heard one of the men say, “She’s going to come.”

At his words, Sir Vulpes moaned and started fucking Maggie harder. She threw her head back, her mouth wide as she cried out, and then her whole body shuddered against its restraints. Sir Vulpes moaned again, almost a whimper this time, and then found his own release, pounding into her so hard their bodies made a slapping sound, before he collapsed on top of her.

He raised himself up, shaking his thick, straight grey hair out of his eyes, and pulled out. Wetness poured out of her.

The servant approached then holding a platter. Several of the men picked up hot towels and cleaned themselves off, while Sir Vulpes carefully untied Maggie and helped her up. He wiped her clean between the legs, then kissed her cheek softly and brushed back her hair.

One by one, the men shook Maggie’s hand, or squeezed her arm, or kissed her on the mouth. Each of them was tender, loving and gentle - even the one who’d said they should impregnate her. They thanked her for her service as if she had done a great deed for them.

One by one, they picked up their cloaks and left the room, and when they’d all left, Sir Vulpes told us he hoped we’d enjoyed the scene and then wrapped an arm around Maggie and escorted her out the door. Alexander extended a hand and helped me up, holding my hand for a minute as he and Mark both looked at me with interest.

“What did you think of that?” Alexander asked.

I felt myself blush. “I… liked it. It was hot.”

“Yeah?” his eyes flashed teasingly, and he pulled me closer towards him. “Are you turned on, little sub?”

I looked up at him, breathless. I liked hearing him call me that.

“Yes, Master,” I replied. “My pussy is wet.”

Mark exclaimed in mock surprise. “Who knew we had such a dirty little girl on our hands?” He grinned at me, and I couldn’t help but smile back.

Mark. Warm, loveable Mark.

“Well, then,” Alexander slid his hand down my arm, taking my hand in his. “I guess I’d better bring you back to your room.”

My heart fluttered with excitement.

We said good night to Mark and walked back to the House of Initiates. I was burning up, dying for Alexander’s touch and wondering what awaited me back in my bedroom.

But to my disappointment, Alexander chastely tucked me into bed and kissed my forehead.

“Sleep tight,” he whispered, and then left the room before I could say anything.

Desperate, I slid my hand between my legs, rubbing my clitoris lightly and quickly until a powerful orgasm rocked through me. Afterwards, I tiptoed to the washroom and quickly cleaned myself up.

Initiates were forbidden from masturbating.