I narrowed my eyes at Jordan. Had she understood what I had been saying? “How long are you suggesting?” I asked.
“Two months,” said Merriman, and I shook my head.
“One month?” Jordan directed the question at me, her boss.
“Two weeks,” I countered.
“Fine,” she answered.
“Wonderful!” Sir Vicious was ebullient. It was clear that he couldn’t wait to get his hands on her. “Go draw up the contracts, X.”
I used the last defense I had. “She’ll be under my protection the whole time.”
Merriman snarled. “Now where’s the fun in that? The whole point is to give her the full experience.”
“That doesn’t mean she won’t get the full experience,” I conceded, dangling the possibility that he could get his hands on her in front of him. “But I will make the final decisions. I have full veto power. Not negotiable.”
“Fine,” he pouted. “But you better make sure I get a little chance to play, X. I’m not powerless here, you know,” he threatened. “I could make things very uncomfortable for you.”
I nodded grimly. I would figure something out. Jordan had gotten herself into this situation after all. I would do my best to protect her, but I wouldn’t put my business on the line.