Page 26 of Dominant

I stood in place a moment, trying to remember to breathe. Forcing myself to remain calm, I approached the group with a neutral face, wondering if there was any chance that Jordan might not recognize me in my mask.

Whatever she had done - and I knew it had to be her - I was going to kill her, I was sure of it.

“What happened here?” I asked, in the most even tone of voice I could manage. Jordan was watching me with wild eyes, fearful and angry. There was so much emotion in her eyes it was impossible to tell if she recognized me.

Sir Vicious stood up. “We have a big problem, X. This bitch,” he pointed violently at Jordan, “removed my mask.”

“Hey--” I started, offended by his language, just as one of the younger members grabbed Jordan’s head and pushed her off the couch onto the floor.

Sudden fury blinded me. “Do not touch her!” I bellowed, taking a threatening step towards the couch before I could stop myself. He drew back with a sharp intake of breath.

On the floor, Jordan hugged her knees, hiding her naked body, while I struggled to regain control of myself.

“Bring a shift for the girl,” I said to the servant, “and then all of you leave us - except Sir Vicious and--” I looked at Jordan, “you.”

I sensed the reluctance of the group as they left the room, turning their heads in case they caught one last glimpse of drama before the door closed. The servant returned quickly with a shift as instructed, handing it to me before bowing out of the room, and I threw it to Jordan.

“Put this on and sit.” I indicated the couch.

“This is unacceptable, X,” barked out Sir Vicious, as Jordan hurriedly pulled the shift over her head and sat stiffly on the couch, like a child in the principal’s office. “How did she make it through the screening process? A little brattiness is to be expected in the novices, but this one has violated one of our most important mandates. What amends will be made to me for the violation of my privacy?”

In the history of the club, no member had ever been unmasked by an initiate, and the implications were severe. For a man like Governor General Merriman, in particular, this was not an offense to be taken lightly. Apologies wouldn’t be enough for an offense so grave, and it would take a lot to appease Merriman.

Especially considering that Jordan was going to be no help in the matter whatsoever.

“Amends to you?!” she cried.“You tried to rape me!”

Sir Vicious leapt off the couch, his eyes bulging through his mask in outrage. “Unbelievable!” He looked like he was on the verge of a heart attack.

“You do not speak!” I barked at Jordan, whirling around at her. She closed her mouth in indignation, shocked into silence.

“Sir Vicious,” I said more evenly. “Please sit. We will resolve this.”

He crossed over to a club chair, refusing to sit on the couch with Jordan and glowered at me.

“We will ensure the girl is punished for her behaviour.” My mind was racing. I didn’t know how I would handle Jordan, but my first priority was to deal with Merriman. “Then, the three of us can sit down together tomorrow morning with cooler heads, to discuss next steps. Remember, of course, that your privacy is protected through the terms of the NDA.”

The non-disclosure agreement. Jesus. The first thing I needed to do was to get Jordan to sign an NDA, which meant I’d have to call the lawyer. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jordan snap the infernal elastic band she wore around her wrist. Initiates weren’t permitted to wear any accessory whatsoever, even an elastic band. Nothing except their silver pendant - which of course she didn’t have. I wondered how on earth she had gotten in here.

“No,” said Merriman. “Her crime was against me. I’m the one who should punish her.”

Jordan snapped her elastic band again. I had the urge to grab that elastic band and pull it tightly until she lost circulation to her hand.

“There’s really no need,” I said, in a mollifying tone. “You should enjoy your evening, Sir Vicious. Let me have the staff work her over.”

“Absolutely not!” he said hotly. “After what she did to me? The least I can get out of this is the pleasure of punishing her. Why on earth would someone else do it?”

He had a point. In many ways, the members eagerly awaited opportunities like this, when an initiate acted out, so they could have the pleasure of punishing them for their disobedience. Always violently, and always sexually.

But Jordan didn’t belong here. She didn’t have a signed contract indicating that she understood what she was getting into. She was my fucking accountant, for God’s sake. I couldn’t let someone beat her. This was another world with different rules, but not for her. As far as she was concerned, she was in the same reality she’d always existed in.

I sighed and looked at her.

It also occurred to me that I had told her repeatedly to leave the numbered account alone, and yet she’d gone far enough to even sneak herself into the club. Who knew what a man like Merriman was capable of if he thought she had damning information about him. He could quit the club, discredit our reputation, or worse. He could try to find Jordan and punish her outside of the club - perhaps by doing something much worse than spanking.

Besides, I was furious with her. I wanted to cane her myself.

“Fine,” I said impulsively to Merriman. Jordan’s mouth dropped open. “I’ll have her prepared.”