“All of them?”
His smile cracked into a full grin. “Of course, all of them.”
I gasped. “This must be expensive.”
“It is,” he said, more serious now, and he held my eyes for a moment. “I want you to wear it, not just as a costume - but as a symbol. This means you belong to me. It’s… a kind of commitment.”
“Okay,” I nodded gravely. I was already his, wasn’t I?
He affixed it gently around my neck and stood back to admire it. He held a chain leash in his hand that was attached to a loop on the collar.
“I like this look on you,” he said finally, with a thoughtful half-smile.
“It feels good,” I answered. It did. Being tethered to him was all I ever wanted.
I stood up, scanning the room for my dress.
“My outfit…” I started, and he shook his head.
“No outfit tonight,” he said, placing a large, warm hand on my lower back. “I like you best this way, and this is how I want our guests to see you.”
I nodded my head. It wasn’t anything I hadn’t gotten used to at the House of Initiates, although I’d foreseen this evening going differently now that I was CEO of the chateau.
“I won’t leave your side all night, though,” he murmured, leaning in close. I bowed my head deferentially.
Alexander led me out of the play room, instructing a passing initiate to get it cleaned up, and brought me over to the grand staircase on the leash. Below, in the main space, the party was already starting. Music was playing and men in their suits or black cloaks were mingling with initiates dressed in white shifts, or naked, like me.
Alexander walked me proudly down the stairs, a prized pet, while heads turned our way.
“She’s beautiful,” said one of the members standing reverentially at the foot of the stairs.
“Thank you,” answered Alexander.
I looked over the crowd. Around the room, initiates were available for use in various, creative ways: some tied to the grand pillars that held up the chateau, several tied naked to table tops, and everywhere they were available, kneeling at feet, bending over when told to, opening their mouths and their bodies. As we stood there, Mark approached and handed Alexander a microphone, giving me a warm smile.
“That collar looks good on you, Jordan,” he said, looking pointedly at Alexander. Alexander gave him a mysterious smile back.
“Welcome to Chateau X, everyone,” Alexander said into the microphone. Cheers broke out from the crowd. “The initiates have had a long rest. They’re fresh and unspoiled. Even their bruises have healed!” Scattered laughter from the crowd. “We’re so glad to be able to welcome you back, and we have our own Miss Six to thank for it.” He held up my leash as he indicated me, and the members and initiates clapped their hands.
Alexander and I had spent some time trying to land on what I should be called in the club. Since I was no longer an initiate, I didn’t need to be referred to by a number, according to club rules. But nor should I use my real name, pointed out Alexander, since everyone in the club was technically supposed to be anonymous. We decided that I would choose my own name, like the club members did.
I chose my initiate number, six, for a few reasons. I liked having a reference to my time as an initiate in my name. But it was also a math joke, which, as a math nerd, I liked. The Latin word for six is sex. And “sexy prime” is a joke used in math to describe prime numbers that differ from each other by six. Alexander looked blank when I explained it to him, and then kissed me on the forehead, saying, “Whatever you think is best.”
So Miss Six it was.
Alexander thanked the members for being there, and handed the microphone to an initiate, as Sir Vicious approached him and started talking about the available play rooms. I turned to Mark, who was standing beside us. I would never be a fan of Sir Vicious.
“You know what this means, the collar?” asked Mark.
I shook my head.
“It means Alexander is laying a public claim to you. You’re his. For some people it’s almost as serious as getting married.”
“Oh?” My eyes widened.
“I’ve been waiting a long time to see Alexander get serious about someone.” He seemed genuinely glad.
“You, girl!” Sir Vicious interrupted us.
I turned towards him and he extended a hand, shaking mine vigorously.
“You really proved yourself after all,” he said, looking at me approvingly. “I’m sorry I was hard on you. In the end, you were the best of them.”
“Thank you,” I answered with surprise.