Jennings grabs her by her shoulders. “Are you okay?”
“I’m okay, but we need to talk. A few of us.”
Understanding what she means, he nods. “VP, TK, Psycho, Derek, and Fox, head into the Chapel.”
“I’m going, too,” Colt says and pulls Lex into his strong arms. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine... adrenaline. I would’ve shot him, but I had to start locking the glove box after Calla found the gun. Fucking adventurer,” she says and chuckles. “But we really need to talk.”
They walk into the Chapel and shut the door. Psycho looks at her. “You look like you might explode, Lex.”
“First, I had a suspicion Grayson confirmed. Christian has been fucking with the strippers, acting like he has nothing to lose, and it made me wonder if he felt untouchable because he’s working with the Slashers. Grayson found phone calls between Christian and a few of the known members, along with large amounts of money being transferred from his accounts.”
“He’s paying the fucking Slashers for protection while he fucks with us?” TK asks.
Lex nods. “Looks that way.”
“Goddammit,” Jennings sighs.
“Now, what I’m about to say may piss you off a little. And I am not supposed to tell you, but I need you to understand how serious this is getting. More than you already know about.”
Her husband’s hands on her biceps guide her to one of the seats, and she sits down as everyone else takes seats and focuses intently on her. It’s unnerving to have the sole focus of such intimidating men.
“Baby, you’re scaring me.”
“Some of you’ve noticed the animosity between the women of the club, right?” Lex says and looks around. “In Griffin’s Beach, anyway. I don’t know anything about Black Valley.”
Jennings chuckles. “Yeah, you looked ready to knock Autumn out yesterday. And Felicity, surprisingly.”
“There was a meeting called for all of the old ladies, and we’re all divided on the stance. Some of them want to leave the club. New identities for them and children, and they want to hightail it out of Griffin’s Beach. They’re idiots if they think their new identities would be untraceable, but they’re scared. Really scared, and they wanted to give everyone the option to join them if they wanted.”
VP’s eyes widen. “Your mom?”
She shakes her head. “No, she’s staying. The divide is pretty expected if you think about it. But there is one woman in our family looking to leave.”
“Not you, right?” Colt asks.
Looking at him, she rolls her eyes. “Yes, I’m planning to leave with the kids and expect to not be found, but I’m telling you my plan. Seriously?”
“Lane,” VP says, leaning back and shaking his head.
“There are a few others, and we had a, uh, lively discussion about it. Lane almost got her ass kicked when she disrespected Mom, and Autumn wants to stab me as much as I want to punch her in the fucking face.”
“Jesus Christ,” Psycho says. “And this was only Griffin’s Beach?”
She nods and looks at him. “As far as I know, yes. I think a few who were ready to hop on that train and get the hell out of here changed their minds when I pointed out the many, many flaws in their plan. The only person I wouldn’t blame for wanting to leave is Avery, and Jennings, I have to tell you, she’s scared. She’s really scared because she’s one of the few who knows firsthand the extent our enemies can and will go to.”
The President stares with wide eyes. “Is she... Is she planning to leave Tripp with the kids?”
Shrugging, she shakes her head. “I think she changed her mind, but I can’t blame her. I really can’t, and I don’t think any of you could, either. She lost everything she ever wanted thanks to the Devils. And fucking Melody.”
“We gotta do something, Jennings,” TK says. “We will crumble if the women start taking off. We can’t wait for the RIO to make a decision.”
Fox starts coughing. “Old lady.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, I’ve known about the RIO longer than you have,” Lex says. “And I think they’re going to fuck you over. Which is why you need a new plan. A plan to take control of the entire situation.”
“You have an idea?” Psycho asks, and he fails to hide his smile.