He’s mad? How the hell is he mad? “What about me?”
He chuckles. “You really like to play these little games, don’t you? But you don’t like when someone matches you move for move. You know that makes you a hypocrite, right?”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re mad at me for fucking your best friend, but you sought out mine and fucked him. Don’t think I didn’t see you checking to see if what you did bothered me. How you looked at me as you rubbed his junk through his jeans. Or the look of triumph when you shut the door to that disgusting fuck room.”
Stepping backwards, she crosses her arms under her chest in an attempt to match his stance. “You don’t get to criticize me for how I choose to make myself feel better after you called me a whore. You basically told me I was only worth warming a bed and nothing serious. That’s how all of you see me.”
“You know, I came here to apologize to you. To talk to you to better explain what I was trying to say because I felt bad. I never meant to offend you, but you proved my point. You played a fucked-up game, and you’re pissed you didn’t come out the winner.”
He was going to apologize to me? Shit... “What game?”
“Who can hurt the other the most. I think I won that one.”
Nodding, Diane looks at the ground. “Yeah, you did. Congratulations.”
“I guess your righteous attitude was nothing but deflection because what I said about how you live your life seems pretty fucking accurate right now.”
“Does that make you happy? To feel like I proved that you were right when you all but called me a slut?”
“You took my best friend into that room and fucked him.”
She swallows and avoids looking up at him to hide her tears. “Yeah, and you two are one in the same. He called me a whore, too.”
“He did?” His tone changes, but she refuses to let herself hope it means anything.
“He put it a lot nicer than you did, though. Said I was amazing, and he understands why all the men love me. Before you add to that insult, I can save you the trouble. Practice makes perfect, huh? I’ve practiced so much I’m basically the MVP of all the whores in here.”
“I don’t need you or anyone else to point out I’m disgusting and filthy. I can do that all by myself. It’s just so strange... I never felt that way until I slept with you. You want to know something even funnier?”
West sighs, and she still can’t look at him. “Do I?”
“I thought you were different. I thought you were someone that made dealing with all the shit from my past I never got over worth the pain. All that shit brought me to the place I am right now. The slut standing before you. I’ve never been so wrong about someone in my life, which is kind of a testament considering how many men I’ve had, right? Because I’m just a big ho.”
“Leave me alone, West. Just do me a favor and don’t bother even looking at me. I know what you see when you do, and I don’t want to bother you more than I already have. It’s already hard enough to look at myself in the mirror and not see what you and the rest of the guys see. I never realized it before.”
Turning, she walks out the back door as the tears spill down her cheeks. She may not be the most stand-up and pure woman in the world, but she never thought of herself as dirty before last night. Now, she feels like she can’t do anything to ever be seen as clean again. What the hell am I doing with my life?
“Tears for such a pretty girl?” a male voice says from the darkness.
Diane doesn’t recognize him, and she immediately regrets walking outside. “Whoever you are, I can promise you, whatever you want to do to me will create zero effect on anyone in that clubhouse. No one cares about club bunnies.”
“Then I guess I’ll just have to do it for my own pleasure,” he says and steps into the light.
The moment she sees the Slashers patch, she knows she’s in trouble. Big trouble.
Chapter Twenty-Six
Griffin’s Beach
“What is wrong with this man?” Heidi shrieks into the phone.