“I owe you two more orgasms. Promise you’ll let me make us even?”
Something about Diane changed tonight, and West knows he won’t be satisfied with only one go around. “I think we can make sure that happens.”
Licking her lips, she fixes her clothes and winks. “Good. You know where to find me.”
Chapter Fourteen
Black Valley
Chicago walks into the clubhouse to see a group of people gathered around someone, but he can’t see who it is. He looks at Psycho as he walks out of the back hall with Lacey, her makeup and hair both messed up, and he smiles at the man who took his spot with the club. They both fit in Black Valley like they were always meant to be here. More and more lately, Chicago feels like he was just a placeholder President for the man who replaced him. And surprisingly, it doesn’t bother him. Which makes him question himself even more.
Psycho walks up to Chicago with his arm around his wife. “Hey.”
“Hey. You two seem to be going at it like teenagers lately,” Chicago says with a smirk. “I’m fucking jealous.”
“We were celebrating,” Lacey says.
“Celebrating what?”
Psycho looks at her with a wide smile before he looks back at Chicago. “We got word her father’s dying.”
What the fuck? “And you’re celebrating? I don’t know that either of you understand what that word means,” he says.
“Her father is a piece of shit I wanted to torture and kill until I saw the pathetic life he already lives. No torture I could do would top what he goes through every fucking day. Sitting in his own shit and piss to the point be became fused to his fucking chair... How do you top that? And death was something he wanted, so I sure as shit wasn’t gonna give him what he wanted. That man deserved zero mercy,” Psycho says.
Lacey nods her head. “He became obsessed with believing I was possessed by the devil. All because my hair changed from blonde to red. He did everything, and I mean everything, he could to eradicate Satan from me, and he’s the reason Psycho and I can’t have children.”
Chicago stares stunned at the admission. The fact she had a difficult upbringing hasn’t been a secret, but no details were ever shared. He may not know much about exorcisms, but he has seen enough horror movies to understand they’re torture for delusional people to believe they’re doing something in the name of God. And based on what she told him, her father’s a sick bastard who deserved to die a painful death.
“Jesus, I’m sorry, Lacey.”
“It’s okay. I can talk about it now without going crazy and trying to hurt myself or others. Took some intense therapy, and Lex saving my life, but I’ve come to terms with it. Carson saved me from my father, and he’s my dark knight. Even when I didn’t love myself, he loved me.”
“You should always feel love,” Psycho says and kisses the top of her head.
“Do you know how long he has?” Chicago asks.
“Could be weeks. Maybe months. But I was told he’d be lucky to make it to six months,” Lacey says.
“When the day comes, I think we should throw a goddamned party,” Chicago says. “Or... any chance we could crash the funeral?”
Eyes wide, Lacey smirks. “Can you imagine the look on my stepmother’s face if we showed up? Or Bianca?”
“Do you want to go?” Psycho asks.
“Kind of. Part of me wants to make sure he’s really dead. Maybe spit on his grave,” she says.
“I bet Lex would be more than happy to walk in there with you. I sometimes wonder if Bianca ever got her nose and teeth fixed.”
Chicago looks at them, confused. “Who? And what happened to her?”
“Lex may or may not have participated in the beating of my stepmother and stepsister. Bianca mouthed off to Lex, and she hit her with a metal pipe. In the face. Her mother, Marion, lost her shit, so I duct taped her mouth while we hurt her, too,” Lacey says. “They’re scared of Lex. I miss her. I should call and tell her.”
“Damn, I think I’m kind of scared of Lex, too. And I’ve seen firsthand how she handles business. But let us know if you want us to go. Even rolling up fifty deep on bikes will make a statement,” he says and looks to the group of men as it parts. He pales when he sees a damned ghost. “Holy shit.”
“What the fuck?” a familiar voice asks and walks over to them.