Page 35 of Vengeance

“I’ll make you a deal,” Ty says and shoves Billy off him. “I won’t talk about Matty, and you’ll stay the fuck away from Tara like you’re legally required to. No more visits at the mall. And if you ever touch her again, it won’t be me leaving anywhere in a body bag. I’ll fucking destroy you.”

“Those blonde bitches mentioned the same thing. But I don’t scare easily, and neither one of you even makes me think twice about what I have planned.”

Sniffling, Ty clenches his fists and glares at Billy. “Whatever you have planned ends here. Whatever it is you think you deserve from Tara, you don’t. This shit is done, and you’re done. Stay the fuck away from her, or it’ll be the last thing you fucking do.”

“I’ll leave Tara alone when she’s paid for her sins. That bitch put me away for years,” he says with a smirk. “I’ve got some payback to get.”

“She didn’t call the cops, fuckhead. The neighbors did,” Shep says. “You can’t honestly blame her for the fact you can’t control your fists with a woman. That’s a you-problem, not a her-problem. So much rage in such a small man. I think it goes without saying you’re small everywhere.”

“It’s not a me-problem, asshole. And I’ll show you how small I am.”

Shep fakes shock. “He wants to show us! He does miss prison, Ty!”

“It was her fault every time she made me hit her. She’s nothing but a stupid fucking bitch.”

Ty grabs him, ready to take the asshole out, but Billy surprises him by headbutting him in the face. Blood falls from his nose, and he steps back, both in shock and pain.

Jesus, that motherfucker has a hard head.

Shep grabs Billy and slams his face against the bar top, pressing his cheek into the liquid with his pistol aimed at his temple. “Give me a reason to shoot your goddamned brains out right here. Make a move. Any fucking move. Just a hiccup.”

For the first time, the man looks apprehensive. Not as smug as when they walked in, and Ty hopes he does something to give Shep a reason to pull the trigger. This guy needs to be gone almost as much as the Slashers. Gone for the rest of Tara’s life.

“Are you going to leave her alone?” Shep asks.

Billy refuses to say a word, and Shep loses patience. He pulls Billy up and slams his head back onto the wet surface, gun still aimed at his temple. But he refuses to speak.

“Speak, motherfucker, or I will kick that barstool and make it look like you moved. I’ve had a really bad twenty-four hours, and I’d love to take it out on someone.”

“Fine,” Billy spits out.

“Come after her again, and it’ll be the last thing you ever do,” Ty says. Shaky throws him a towel, and he wipes the blood from his nose. “Stay the fuck away from her.”

Chapter Eleven

Griffin’s Beach


Dropping Noah and Calla off at daycare, Lex looks at Beckett sitting out front, watching. “You stay here and make sure nothing happens to them.”

“I’m supposed to tail you, Lex,” he says.

“I don’t need a tail.”

“No offense, but the head of the Slashers has a thing for you. I think you do.”

Leveling him with a glare, she crosses her arms over her chest. “I’m not worried about me, I’m worried about my kids. Now you have a choice. You can follow me around while I do whatever I’m going to do and risk these assholes getting my kids, or you can make sure they’re safe. If that happens, if the Slashers do something to them while they’re here, I’ll hold you personally responsible. Now, tell me, Beckett. Who are you more scared of?”

He swallows. “I have orders from your husband-”

“I’ll handle my husband. What are you going to choose, Beckett?”

“I won’t leave them until you come back, ma’am.”

“Don’t call me ma’am ever again. But good choice.”

He nods, and she sits in her car. That felt really good, and she realizes how normal it all feels. It’s been so long since anything in her life has felt normal.