Page 108 of Vengeance

Dimitri looks around at everyone, and he seems to give up. “Brock?”

“What?” Brock asks, and Colt hears the edge in his voice.

The way he snaps makes Colt wonder if Summer is one of the women planning to leave. Knowing what he does makes him paranoid and reading far too much into every interaction.

“Since I doubt any of you will believe a word I say, you might want to check out my phone and laptop. I had it shipped yesterday before I was taken to your clubhouse. It'll give you all the missing pieces.”

“Or maybe it's rigged to blow up,” Shep says.

“Not my style.”

Colt wonders what may be on the devices, and if they're making a mistake with this trade. Jennings doesn't seem to care and shakes his head. “You cost us a lot, and if handing you over stops the carnage and the constant fear the women live in, I'll consider it worth it.”

“You aren't going to stop it,” Dimitri says. “It may temporarily pause things, but until you know the whole story, you don't know how badly this just fans the flames.”

“Who should we be talking to?” Colt asks. “If it's not you, who should be held responsible for all of this?”

He laughs and shakes his head. “I'm headed to my death, so I don't owe you shit. Just like I don't owe the RIO shit anymore. But when you find it, and you realize what you've done, there'll be no redemption. In fact, you'll only have yourselves to blame.”

Psycho laughs and loosens his grip slightly. “I think we'll sleep just fine.”

“Is the RIO lying to us?” Colt asks.

The man stays silent, and Ky just shakes his head. “I think everyone's lying at this point. Who knows?”

Motorcycles in the distance fill the air, and Colt's pulse races. They'll find out in the next thirty minutes where everything stands. Assuming they still stand.

Chapter Thirty-Four

Griffin's Beach


The nerves take over as the Savage Slashers roll into the parking lot, and Jennings can't ignore them. It's rare for him to feel anxious, but everything rides on this confrontation. The Slashers arrive on time, and they have a van to take Dimitri back with them.

O'Malley walks up to the group, his men behind him. It doesn't appear he's coming with them, and Jennings decides right there that they will not hand over Dimitri without O'Malley. Unlike their man, he's free and seemingly leading his men.

“I see you brought Dimitri, so I assume this part of our deal is being kept. But I don't see the hot blonde I can't wait to get my hands on. Or do you think Dimitri alone will satisfy me? That I will leave her alone? Because I plan to show her what a real man can do,” O'Malley sneers, his eyes looking right at Colt.

Colt lunges, but Ky and Shep hold him back, and Jennings shakes his head. “You really thought I'd give you Lex? I'd lie on the tracks in front of an oncoming train before I give her to you.”

The moment he says the words, it hits him how O'Malley isn't the only person who needs to hear that declaration. He needs to also tell Lex. There's no way she’d believe he would say or do that.


“Giving me one won't stop me from trying to get her. In fact, I don't want Dimitri without her,” O'Malley says. “Maybe we just take your men out here and call it a day. I'll go find my lass and show her a real good time.”

Psycho whistles loudly, and men upon men filter out of the Puffy Taco, walk out from around the building, and march down the street toward them. Diego made good on his promise, and soon, the Slashers are surrounded by hundreds of men. If the plan wasn't to give them O'Malley, Jennings plans to take him regardless.

“Apparently, you didn't get the memo from your Russian friends about no backup,” O'Malley says. “The Hellraisers don't seem too threatening, so I was going to let that slide.”

“That wasn’t told to us. They actually offered to send men to help, but we said we had our own. And for the record, I'm not giving Dimitri to you.”

O'Malley laughs, and his scars twist into an ugly formation. “Then what the fuck do you have him tied up for?”

“He's giving him to us,” one of the men from behind him says.

“What the fuck are you talking about? I am part of us, dipshit.”