Page 105 of Vengeance

“We’re potentially expanding into another area, too. Which means we can order more shipments and cover more area. But we’ve lost men, we may lose women, and there’s an overall distrust.”

“Would sending the Bratva to assist with the trade with the Irish tomorrow make you feel better about our arrangement?”

Laughing, he rolls his eyes. “No, we have our own backup. South of the border backup. If the Bratva shows up, we’re considering them enemies based on how this whole situation has played out.”

“No Bratva. They will need to show up to give you Dimitri. He’s on a plane as we speak and will be delivered to your clubhouse by ten tomorrow morning. Please do not kill the delivery team.”

“Thank you for the heads up. Is there a specific location where we’re making a trade?”

“I was told someone would reach out to you about that from the Irish side. Jennings, how can we make this right with you?”

Bingo. “We want a thirty percent reduction in purchase costs for six months.”

“That will be almost free for you.”

“How much is your family worth to you, Boris? Because we’re in a position where there’s now a price associated with the men we’ve lost as well as the pain and suffering of our women. If you cannot make that work for six months, we have no deal because we’ve been shit on for years now. Because of your organization. Whether it’s Dimitri or Ivan or even you, Boris, this did not start with us. But it’s fucking ending with us.”

“Can I get an agreement that after those six months, you will retain the relationship with the RIO?”

“Assuming nothing else happens, yes.”


Wait, what? Seriously? “Dimitri will be here tomorrow by ten?”

“Correct. I will let Conor know you require O’Malley to make this truce. He will be delivered at the meet tomorrow, and if not, we will take care of it. You have my word.”

“We will connect tomorrow.”

Jennings hangs up and pulls out his cellphone to call Psycho. He’s never going to believe this. Just as he opens it to call, an unknown number calls.


“Molloy, it’s O’Malley.”

What the fuck? “How did you get this number?”

“My bosses gave it to me. Here’s the deal. You’ve done significant damage, and I’m being ordered to make peace. My bosses have worked out an arrangement with yours to give us Dimitri tomorrow at noon. We’ll leave you alone once we have him, and if you want to ensure we leave your club alone for good, you’ll bring me my blonde bombshell.”

“You expect us to give you Dimitri and Lex? What do we get in return?”

“You get to live. Noon in the parking lot of your strip club. Be there and bring our bargaining chips.”

O’Malley hangs up, and Jennings calls Psycho. “Get everyone here. Tonight. And call your contact. We need backup tomorrow at noon at the Puffy Taco.”

They need a plan in case they’re still getting fucked over. Boris sounded convincing, but could be a whole plot to lead them into a false sense of security. If that’s the case, he plans to take O’Malley and kill everyone wearing a shamrock leather. And any surprise Russians, too.

Chapter Thirty-Three

Griffin's Beach


“Lex, please,” Colt begs as he pulls his jeans on in their bedroom.

“Colt, no,” Lex says, clasping her bra behind her back.

Knowing this could possibly be the end of the Drifters, Colt and Lex cuddled their babies all night. It’s obvious they’re worried of what may come of the day, but they never say the words aloud. Karmen and TK picked up the kids this morning before taking them to a safe house. Once alone, they made love as though their lives depended on it. Like it was the last time.