Her hips lift to hover over him before sliding onto his now-hard length. “This is what I want. Always and forever. Just us, like this. Mr. and Mrs. Tate.”
“Mrs. Tate,” he moans as she swirls her hips. “I love the sound of that.”
“Me, too.”
Chapter Twenty-Five
Black Valley
After Diane left the night before, something didn’t sit well with West. He couldn’t sleep, and all he could think about was the way she looked at him. The hurt in her eyes as she left kept him from finding any sleep. He hadn’t meant to offend her. The club bunny life is filled with women who please multiple men, and some have ambitions of becoming an old lady while others are just happy living a life with club protection with no other ties.
He understands exactly how she mistook his words and believed he called her a whore. He had. At least, he had indirectly. But he never meant it with any type of judgment or malicious intent.
How the fuck can I explain this to her in a way that doesn’t make things worse? It doesn’t seem like it can get much worse, but I have a great way of fucking shit up.
When he arrives at the clubhouse, he plans to find Diane and ask her to go somewhere to talk. He needs to at least try to explain what he meant. In a way that doesn’t necessarily offend her but also explains what he meant. He never expected her to fall for him. Definitely not wanting more than amazing sex.
“Here,” Diane says, surprising him by walking up behind him and handing him his t-shirt from the night before. “I washed it. I know how you are about germs.”
“Don’t want you to catch cooties or something.”
She walks away, and he can’t stop himself from staring at her backside as it almost hangs out of her skintight dress. The same ass he kneaded and spanked last night. Fuck, if she wasn’t so mad at him, he’d take her back to his place and remind her how much fun they had before he seemingly fucked it all up.
Her eyes keep glancing back at him, and he can’t determine what she’s thinking. She knows he watches her, which is evident and kind of fun, but when she walks up to York and rubs his thigh, the fun stops. She does the same to York as she did to West the first night they hooked up. Watching her feel up his best friend causes him to feel something unexpected. Anger? No, not just anger. Jealousy.
York smiles up at her, and Diane’s eyes look at West before she leans further down and kisses York just below his earlobe and along his jaw. Her cleavage damn near spills out in his face, and York has no reason to turn down string-free sex. He has no idea how West feels about the woman offering up her goodies. Neither did West until this very moment.
When the couple stands and walks back to the communal room, she locks eyes with West before shutting the door, and it’s obvious she picked York out of spite. She wanted to take a jab at him, and she succeeded. The moment she took his best friend to bed, she twisted the knife.
“You good?” Derek asks West as he walks by and stops.
“Yeah, I’m just fucking fantastic.”
“Murder doesn’t look good on you, man.”
West sniffles and nods. “I need to take a woman to bed. Tonight.”
“You never do that,” he says, his eyebrows raised. “And I know how you are about the room. We really should task someone with cleaning it every once in a while.”
Yeah, you really should. “I’ll just have to get over it, I suppose. I’ve done it before, but I can’t use the bed.”
“Want my room? No one’s fucked in it in months.”
West stares at him in surprise. “Really? Are you sure? You don’t want to sleep in it tonight?”
“I can stay at my house tonight. That’s usually where I take my wife.”
“You have a house? And a wife?”
Derek laughs. “No one knows anything about each other, do they? Yeah, I have a house, and my wife’s name is Gabriella. I only stay here every once in a while.”
“Thanks, man.”
Holding his hand out, he drops the key into West’s. “Have fun.”