Page 32 of Vengeance

“What the hell are you trying to say, Melanie?”

“We are not the same, Autumn. Even our men agree. And don’t think for a second I didn’t pay attention to the voltage used on everyone. Yours was barely high enough to register more than a tingle. Not compared to Heidi or Lex. Hell, Lex’s body shot off the cot, and Scarface had to stop the asshole from killing her. You got next to nothing. Barely any volts.”

Colt’s face pales as he looks at Lex, and she shoots back another shot of tequila straight from the bottle. “Amps,” she says.

Melanie whips around. “What’d you call me?”

“I said ‘amps,’ dork. It’s not the voltage that hurt us. It’s the amps.”

“Is that important?” she asks, her eyes narrowed.

Shrugging. “Probably not. Just... never mind.”

“Just because I know the difference between pain and pleasure doesn’t mean you can tell me I didn’t feel like they were killing me,” Autumn snaps.

“I was burned. Heidi was choked. Lex... well, we’re not going to pick at that scab.”

“Thanks,” Lex says and takes another swig, thankful for the buzz slowly moving in. She’s become a hell of a lightweight if she’s feeling this already.

“But poor Autumn,” Melanie says with a mocking tone. “She had it so fucking bad. So bad she was too scared and weak to climb out the fucking window. I had to do it. You could’ve saved us, but you were just content to curl up and die while we listened to them torture Lex. Yeah, that was so fucking terrible for you.”

Sighing, Lex sets the bottle on the bar as Melanie hops down, and Lex moves to stand between them. “There’s enough fighting taking place with the club and the Slashers. We don’t need to add an internal beef to it.”

“You are such a bitch,” Autumn spits at Melanie before walking towards Rocco.

Reaching over Lex’s shoulder, Melanie grabs Autumn by the hair and yanks, pulling her backwards. “Fuck you!”

Lex growls as she grabs Melanie’s wrist, squeezing until she releases Autumn. Once she releases the redhead, Lex pushes her backwards and turns to push Autumn back towards Rocco as she lunges for Melanie. “Stop it! Autumn, she will murder you. Mel, back the fuck off!”

“She started it!” Autumn screams.

“And I fucking ended it!” Lex shouts back. “Get to your corners. Now!”

Melanie glares at Autumn before walking towards Jace, and Autumn lets Rocco wrap his arms around her. “You know I’m right, Lex.”

Moving towards the blonde, Lex gets in her face. “I like you, Mel. I really do, but I’ve known Autumn since we were kids. You wanna pick a fight with her over some bullshit interpretation, you better be ready to take me on, too.”

Melanie stares into her eyes for a long while before shaking her head. “Fine.”

“I’m sick of this shit,” Lex says and grabs the tequila bottle again. “Fuck the Slashers. This ends here.”

“What ends here?”

“Being scared of them. If they want me so bad, then let them fucking come and get me. I’ll even out Scarface’s face before he gets buried in the fucking ground. I’m done,” she says and walks outside to the swings, alcohol bottle in her hands. “I’m so fucking done.”

Chapter Ten

Griffin’s Beach


Ty sits outside The Pub in Riverview waiting for Shep to show up. The moment Tara told him Billy approached her and yanked on her hair at the mall, he knew he needed to pay the asshole a visit. And when he got word that exact motherfucker sits inside The Pub, he knew it was time they had a little chat. And by little chat, he means with fists and blood.

Shep pulls up and parks the bike before walking up and standing next to Ty as he leans against the building and smokes a cigarette. “Hey.”


“This seems like quite the distance to go for a shitty beer.”