“Wait, you have to get this signed off by-”
“Already did. Dax is cool because you have a reputation, and Jennings says that as long as you agree, he'll let me go. As long as you say yes, we're getting a fresh start. And before you tell me this is my legacy and whatever, we've seen the changes that happened in Black Valley. Who knows... maybe there are better opportunities in Summerville than I have here. But the biggest push is that I need to do this for you, Lex. I need to make sure you're good, and if I miss out on an opportunity, well, there will probably be others. There's nothing I'm missing as long as I have you happy and healthy.”
“Before you say no-” Colt stops and stares, blinking at her. “Wait… Did you say yes?”
“If you're sure you want to move, I'm saying yes.”
Sighing, he pulls her up from the chair and into his arms. “Thank you.”
“I should be the one saying that,” she says and pulls back to look into his eyes. “Are you sure about this?”
Tears fill her eyes, and she hugs him, burrowing her face into his chest. For the first time in what feels like her entire life, someone made a decision to put her before the club. Before themselves. Colt did this for her. Not himself. Not the club. Her.
“Baby, what's wrong? Are these happy or sad tears?”
“I'm... I don't even know,” she says and pulls back. Wiping her eyes, she looks at the wall. “I'm ready to move forward and let all the shit in the past go, but I can't without room to just... be. Without expectations for people who've hurt me waiting for me to be all better again. I don't want to carry it anymore, I don't, but I really don't think I could move past it here.”
His hand takes hers, and he tugs on her arm to force her to look at him. “I know, Lex.”
“And then here you are, giving me the opportunity, even though it may not benefit you. Colt... I don't know how to explain how this feels. How much it means to me.”
A fresh wave of tears falls, and she wraps her arms around him, holding him tightly again. He holds her as she sobs, and he seems to understand she doesn't need words. She needs to feel like a priority, and he just gave that to her. Everything she's ever needed has been given to her, and she doesn't need him to say anything else.
Calming down, Lex releases him, and she lets out a sigh. “Wow, that was a lot.”
Colt smiles. “Is that good?”
“It is.”
“I love you, Lex. I know I haven't always shown it, but I will do anything for you.”
“I know,” she says. “I know that now, and I love you so much for it.”
Taking her hand, they walk out to where the women have gathered as they slowly filter in from the various safe houses Brock set up. Everyone stops and stares expectedly. Word must've spread about Colt's request to transfer, and they're waiting for the news.
“Lex,” Lily says, “am I really losing you before I have this baby?”
“I have to go,” she whispers to the only other person in the club who has any idea what she feels. “I'm sorry.”
Rather than yell or slap her, Lily walks over and pulls her into a tight hug. “I wish you didn't, but I understand. And don't you dare apologize. Not to me, and not to anyone.”
“You're really leaving?” Shep asks.
Colt nods as she pulls away from Lily and stands next to her husband. “We are. Lex needs this,” he tells Shep.
“Lex, can I talk to you for a minute?” Jennings asks.
Shrugging, she sighs. “Sure.”
He brings her back into the Chapel, and she wonders how many times she's going to be in here today. “Sit, please.”
“I'm good standing.”