Page 117 of Vengeance

Clenching his jaw shut, Scarface speaks between his teeth. “Fuck that.”

“Suit yourself,” Psycho says.

He reaches out and plugs the hanging man's nose.

Eventually, his mouth opens to breathe, and Psycho shoves the eyeball into it. He slams his jaw shut, forcing him to bite down on it, and a sickening squirting sound makes Lex turn as the small snack she was able to eat earlier threatens to come back up.

Scarface tries to fight it, but he has two choices. He can either chew and swallow it, or he can let it sit in his mouth. Giving in, he swallows it and dry heaves the moment Psycho removes his hand.

“That was so much worse than I thought it would be,” Lex says, her hand covering her mouth. “That was disgusting.”

“Anything you want us to do to him?” Psycho asks.

“Waterboard him. For hours. Just like he did to me.”

Anger flashes in Scarface's eyes, and he says, “You're fucking dead, Alexis.”

Poking her body, she shakes her head. “No, I'm pretty sure I'm alive. What do you think, Colt?”

Her husband's hands roam over her, caressing her as he squeezes her chest and slips his hand into her jeans to toy with her between her legs. “Oh, you're definitely alive. He looks jealous because after all this time, he still can only watch, not touch.”

Laughing, she tugs his hand from her jeans. The last thing she wants is to come in front of him ever again. “He's also not that scary after eating his friend's eye. He's just... disgusting. Scarface,” she says and turns to the man she never wants to see again, “I hope your death is nothing short of painful. And excruciatingly long. This is the last you'll ever see of me.”

She turns and starts walking up the stairs, and Colt hurries behind her. “Lex, I need to talk to you.”

“Alexis! Come back here!” Scarface shouts as she opens the door, and everyone in the main room turns to look at them.

“Did he do it?” Shep asks. “Did he feed him an eyeball?”

“It was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen.”

Colt pulls her into the Chapel and shuts the door. “I need to talk to you.”

“I only stopped you down there because, well, Psycho was there, but mostly, I didn't want Scarface to ever see me climax again. But if you want to finish what you started in here, I’m game.”

Shifting, she looks down to see his jeans tightening. “Fuck, baby, I will take you back to my apartment and blow your fucking mind, but there's something we need to talk about first. And no matter how much I want to take you in here, I can't. It's... I can't.”

His mother and another member having sex on the table still wakes her up at night from time to time. “What's wrong, Colt?”

“You know why I can't have sex in here-”

“No,” she says and laughs. “What did you need to talk to me about?”

“I have an idea, and I want you to listen to me before you shoot it down.”

Her eyes narrow. “Uh oh.”

The look on his face makes her nervous, and he lets out a deep sigh. “We just patched over the Hellraisers.”

This was at the bottom of her list of expected revelations. It was at the bottom of the list right above him telling her he was magically pregnant, which would be kind of a fun experience for him to fully understand what she went through. Twice.

“Wow,” she says and sits on the chair in front of where Colt stands leaning against the wall. “It's a smart move. I mean, continue expanding.”

Nodding, he looks into her eyes. “I want to transfer to Summerville.”

Blinking, Lex just stares at him. “What?”

“I want to move us to Summerville. You need real space to heal, and you've already said we can't leave the club. This gives us both of those things.”