Page 110 of Vengeance

Eyes wide, he breaks out into a large grin. “This is gonna be fucking fun.”

“You can also head to Vegas, if you want. It's only about a seven-hour drive,” Jace offers. “Depending on how fast you drive.”

“I've never been,” Diego says. “Okay, you've sold me. We'll head out tomorrow for Vegas, too.”

Everyone moves to leave, and Jennings notices how O'Malley didn't say much once he was left alone. He never let the smile drop from his fucked-up face, and it seems likely it's a scare tactic. Doesn't matter. They have him, and after this one man caused so much havoc with his club, Jennings can't wait to see what Psycho has cooked up for him. The only thing he knows for sure is how sick and twisted it will be. No doubt about that.

The Hellraisers follow the Drifters to the clubhouse, and Psycho ties up O'Malley in the basement before heading into the Chapel. The club still has to decide whether or not to patch over the club, and Jennings wants to make it quick to let Psycho start whatever he has planned. He’s almost scared to go into the basement.

“I know everyone has aggression to get out on O'Malley, so we'll make this as quick as possible,” Jennings says and bangs the gavel.

“I want a crack at the asshole in the basement,” Shep says, “so if we can move this along, that would be great. He's gonna pay for what he did to my wife.”

Colt nods. “Me, too, man. Me, too.”

“Okay, so let's do this,” Jennings says. “The Hellraisers brought forward a request for us to patch them over, and they have been with us, helping with protection detail, since they offered assistance. We need to decide if we want to move forward and expand into Summerville. We have an additional deal with the RIO regarding profit margins on guns, so the more we can move, the more money we all make. If that helps anyone possibly on the fence.”

“Do we really believe that they want to do this to save their club? They're not really in the same boat Black Valley was before we patched them over,” Shep says. “No offense to our guys or anything.”

“I've seen the dead look in Dax's eyes,” Psycho says. “Could you imagine me from ten years ago being President? Because that's what they've got.”

“Jesus,” Ty says. “That's actually kind of terrifying.”

Jennings chuckles. “I can't really blame them. Their leader seems to be on a suicide mission.”

“And what do we do if Dax decides to walk, assuming we vote it in?” Diesel asks. “Will they still be onboard?”

“That's what Finnegan and Mac say. If he decided to walk, they'd have to decide if Finnegan would step up, or they may back out. Either way, I don't think it's going to affect us that much.”

Colt surprises him when he says, “I move to patch over the Satan's Hellraisers.”

TK turns and looks at his son with surprise, but he says, “I second the motion.”

“All in favor?”

The entire room votes in favor of it, and it's obvious Colt's mind swirls with something. Jennings decides not to worry until he has to. Right now, they need to let Dax know his club wants a patch over, and there's a chance he may lose his mind.

“One other item. Undertaker would like to prospect for the club. Anyone want to sponsor him?”

“Goddammit,” West mutters and leans back in the chair.

“I'll sponsor him,” Josh Hood says.

The man hasn't been with the club the longest, and he rarely speaks. He prospected for over two years when the club went through shit, and he tends to spend time with his girl, Emily, who hasn't quite made friends with many of the old ladies in the club. To hear him speak up and offer to sponsor a prospect eases any concerns Jennings might have had about his dedication to the club.

“I did a background check, and he actually had his name legally changed to Under Taker. Two words. Nothing exists with another name that I can find,” Brock says. “But he's clean. Cleaner than Gunner was.”

“I'm gonna be honest,” Ky says, “I don't really think I'm gonna be able to give him orders.”

Colt laughs. “Will he take them?”

“He's a soldier at heart,” York says. “You could order him to clean the sex room at the Black Valley clubhouse, and he'd make it spotless.”

“Hey, maybe West would actually fuck someone in that room!” Beckett laughs.

“Speaking of... I need to talk to you guys about that when we're done with voting on bypassing the prospect law for Undertaker,” West says.

Jennings lifts his eyebrows. “I'll take that as a motion to bypass the prospect law and vote him into the club.”