Dust kicked up from the tires, as the remaining members rolled to a stop in front of the club. Wes parked, and Rachel let his waist go as she tipped her head back and took in the Stone Riders clubhouse.
Killian helped Laura from their seat first, then swung his leg over until they’d took a few steps from the bike. Laura moved first, to assist Rachel off Wesley’s bike.
I jogged over to Killian who gave me a look of relief which had my heart warming.
“You’re back!” I said, catching the gaze of the group.
Rachel stepped forward, tentative at first, but as soon as I caught her eye, she rushed me.
“Are you okay?”
I opened my arms and pulled her into a hug as she inspected me.
“I’m okay. Are you…how did you get away?”
Her green eyes were bright out in the sun, her hair was frizzed and a little tangled, and other than a little dirt smudge on her chin, she looked perfectly fine.
“I took that pack meant for you and I just walked until I saw a group of bikers riding around the area as if they were looking for someone. I spotted the Stone Rider patch, and when I remembered what you’d told me about Killian, I stepped out where they’d be able to see me.”
“You’ve been gone for days…was everything okay?” I directed my question at Killian as he drew closer.
He glanced up at Wes then over at someone behind me, which I assumed was Silas or Jameson. “She was dehydrated…we stayed until we knew she felt okay enough to ride back.”
“No issues with Fable?” I knew they didn’t owe me answers, and the way these clubs worked, they likely wouldn’t give them to me because I wasn’t a member, but I couldn’t help but try.
Killian dipped his face, and Wes stepped off to the side pulling his phone up to his ear. He was likely checking on his pregnant wife who was at home.
“We ran into a messenger.”
Rachel’s hand wrapped around mine and squeezed tight as I waited for Killian to continue. Silas stepped closer until he was crowding my back, and it was as if the ground beneath me fell out from under me as Killian lifted his chin toward Hamish, who was riding behind him.
That’s when I saw him.
Being pulled off the bike by two other members, Alec stood in front of us, gagged with a white piece of fabric across his mouth. He wore a sling for his amputated hand. The breath seemed to stall in my lungs the second his eyes landed on me and froze.
I wasn’t sure what to feel other than shock.
He’d kidnapped me.
Held me captive. Literally cuffed me to him for days on end.
Sexually harassed me.
My throat felt tight as I took all those memories and mentally placed them next to the ones where Alec had been my friend. My refuge in some situations.
A safe person once upon a time. Now I didn’t know how to even look at him without wanting to hurt him.
“You don’t want to hear this message, Natty,” Rachel whispered near my ear.
I glanced at her, my brows furrowed in confusion and then stepped away from her before Silas could hide whatever was in that bag. He was avoiding looking at Alec, which was a tactical move, so I followed suit.
He didn’t open it wide enough but it didn’t matter, Silas pulled the severed hand out where all could see and inspected the note nailed through the palm.
I read from over his shoulder and felt those invisible spiders crawling down my back, along my scalp and even inside my head. It was as if Fable had invaded my very bloodstream, and I didn’t know how to escape him.
My Dearest Son,
Looks like you left something behind when you came to collect your whore.