He let out a sigh as he followed me back into the club.
“My wife is currently talking to your…” He paused, scrunching his brows together. “What is Natty to you again? Your girlfriend, victim…you never have clarified.”
“Just mine, don’t need to clarify shit for you. Where are they?”
Jameson looked up, indicating Natty’s room. “They have Connor up there with them.”
That was his way of warning me not to go up.
Ignoring him, I stalked toward the stairs, but Jameson called at my back. “You can’t leave Death Raiders in the club like that. We can move Natty to the cabin, but it’s going to be a problem for them to stay in here. Killian won’t allow it.”
I turned back toward him, resisting the urge to punch him in the face.
“Then Killian can tell me that. I’m not listening to your babysitter bullshit; you’ve got no authority here.”
“It’s too many fucking Death Raiders, Silas.”
I took a step closer. “Fable made his way into your club, Jameson. Through your guards and your walls. Don’t talk to me about having my men in here.”
I took another step toward the club while Jameson looked as though he was grinding glass.
“I’m not doing anything because of my respect for Natty, but don’t test me, Silas. Roman or not, I’ll go toe to toe with you.”
Natty chose that moment to exit the club, her brows raised in surprise as she took both of us in.
I muttered to the former Chaos King, “My men stay.”
Jameson peered over my shoulder to where his wife and son were now exiting, and then leaned closer, lowering his voice.
“She’s my wife’s best friend. I don’t want her to go, but surely you can see that this won’t work. You’re not a Stone Rider. You never will be.”
I tipped my chin toward her. “No I’m not, but she is.”
Natty and Penelope weren’t close enough to hear us, but they’d begun whispering together.
Jameson’s glare cut through me and landed on Natty. “Yes, she is, so trust us to keep her safe. We protect our own.”
I returned his glacial expression, not worrying about lowering my voice as Natty drew closer.
“Yet Fable still got into her room.”
Jameson’s eyes tapered. “Then you might need to make a decision. Because we can’t coexist.”
This was all bullshit I already knew and felt, but my options were limited. However, I wouldn’t be leaving Natty unprotected any time soon.
I could try and explain it to Jameson. How there was a hole in my heart from the last time I did that.
Would I leave her to keep her safe, or would I stay and force her to lose the only place she ever called home?
While there wasn’t a way that I’d ever let her go, there was a tiny piece of my heart that had already accepted that I needed to make up for what she’d been put through. Her having a happy and fulfilling place to call home with a family is all she’s ever deserved.
If it meant she’d have to see me go in order to have that, I’d give it to her in a heartbeat.
I didn’t get a chance to respond because when I went to open my mouth, there was a loud rumbling of engines that began echoing down the long drive.
We all turned in unison to see that Killian and Wes had returned, their men were with them and on the back of Wes Ryan’s bike was a familiar looking woman. But it was the man wearing the full-face helmet on the back of one of the other members’ bikes that caught my eye.
I saw his tattoos first, the ones I hadn’t removed yet. Then I noticed his missing hand that was slung to the side of his body in a sling. Why the fuck had they brought my brother here?