“So you can be gone for however long this thing will take? What if Silas never shows up?”
I knew that wasn’t going to be the case, likely as much as he did, but I wanted more information from him.
“So what if he doesn’t…you’ll be mine, and Fable still gets what he wants.”
I clenched my fingers into a fist where he couldn’t see. “Which is what?”
Alec’s chest expanded with a sigh, but he just let out a chuckle.
“So close, Artemis. So close, but no, you’re not getting his plan from me.”
Frustration frayed my nerves.
“So you think he’ll come here to this location?” I toyed with a random thread from my shirt, realizing how bad I smelled. As far as I had gathered, it had been two days since I arrived. While Alec had been showering every day, I refused to join him. Instead, I stood awkwardly outside the stall, ignoring the wet spray hitting me, and whatever made him groan and grunt while inside.
“Not here. He won’t be able to find us here…we made sure of that. But our men are watching for his club to make a move, we’re also monitoring the Stone Riders.”
“Why go through all of this work just for a little payback? Aren’t you worried about losing your allies, or your club? This sort of ripple could have major ramifications.”
Alec laughed. “Baby, the only thing I really care about currently is keeping you.”
A sour feeling filled my stomach as reality crashed back into place for me.
“I’m not yours to keep, Alec.”
He turned his face, his gray-blue eyes landing hard on mine. This felt intimate, us lying in bed together, creating pillow talk. All I had to do was tug my hand and remember there was nothing romantic about this.
“The way I see it, you’re not being kept by anyone, least of all my brother.”
I turned away and faced the wall so he wouldn’t see how badly my chin began to tremble from the hurt he’d just caused. Because regardless of the past I had with Silas, there was truth in what he’d said…a thread of honesty that was far too painful for me to accept.
The Stone Riders had three guards posted at their front gate. I assumed I’d have to put up a fight to get in, but when they saw it was me, they let me through without issue. Either they remembered me helping them when they were attacked last, or Killian had put an order out to let me pass if I showed up. I didn’t really care which, I just needed to get inside that club and talk to them.
I rode down the gravel path and parked directly in front. This time, I kept my cut and colors on because I just didn’t fucking care anymore about politics, or offending anyone.
I walked in through the front doors and saw as several members looked away, or gave me a wide berth.
Killian, Wes and Jameson were at the bar, all watching as I approached. Sipping from mugs, and at least they had the decency not to look chummy or happy. They looked about as exhausted as me.
I didn’t even know what time of day it was. They were drinking coffee, so maybe it was morning, but I’d just left my club, and Geo was high…
“Silas.” Killian nodded at me.
“What time is it?” was the only response I could give.
Jameson gave me that familiar expression that told me he thought I was a waste of air, and he likely wanted to punch me.
“Two in the afternoon.”
“How come you’re all drinking coffee?”
They all looked at each other like they weren’t sure what was wrong with me.