Page 108 of Where We Ended

“I saw you on that dock, hunting frogs, and I thought you were the prettiest thing I’d ever seen. Then I looked up and saw Silas glaring at me, and I knew right then and there you’d always be between us. You took my heart just as you took his, but you only gave yours to him. But I think at Christmas, you gave me some pieces too. I have to believe that I found my way in there, Artie, before I leave this earth. Please tell me I did.”

I stroked his hair, then traced his nose and eyebrow. “Alec, stop…just save your breath.”

He smiled as more blood spurted out.

Silas touched his brother’s chest affectionately. “Let him say it, Natty. Whatever’s in his heart, let him say it.”

“Because I’m about to die.” Alec had tears sliding down his face, and my heart cracked in half. How could I take another loss this close to the others? I wasn’t built for grief. I was sunshine, and the only darkness I could ever withstand was from Silas. This pain was too much.

Please don’t take him. Let him live.

Alec coughed, forcing more blood to come up.

“It was always his, Alec.”

He laughed, and then coughed. “Well then, at least I’ll take a chunk with me into the grave. I can see the way you’re trying to hold me here, while death is hovering above me. I’ll die, knowing I’ve claimed some part of that heart.”

I couldn’t speak, so I just continued to stroke his hair.

“Seeing you felt like finding a pair of wings. But there was only one of us who could fly, and I’m glad it’s Silas. Just promise me that you’ll love each other after this. Whatever happened, push it behind you and finally be together. Start a family.” He was wheezing now, and I was sobbing.

“She’d be the most beautiful mother, Silas. Have you pictured it…her pregnant, smiling down at her swollen belly. Her laughing and creating more sunshine.”

I looked up at my husband and saw he had tears sticking to his lashes, as he answered, “Yes, I’ve pictured it, Alec.”

“Good. That’s good. Artie, bury me in the same cemetery as my mom, okay? Promise me that I’ll be next to her…and maybe one day I’ll be near you and my brother.”

Silas picked up Alec’s good hand and held it tight. “I promise we’ll be together, Alec. I promise you.”

“Good because I was a shit brother to you, Silas, but you were the best big brother. I love you. I may have wanted to kill you just so I could have Artie, but I loved you. I’ll always love you. I need you to know that.”

Silas leaned down and pressed a kiss to Alec’s forehead.

“I know it, Alec. I love you too.”

Alec’s eyes suddenly froze, staring up at the ceiling. For some reason, I kept waiting for him to say something else and my mind couldn’t seem to accept that he was gone.

“I promise, Alec.” I bent down and kissed his forehead, sorrow bleeding from my raw voice. I was sobbing, tears and snot were all over my face, but Silas pulled me into his arms anyway.

“We need to get out of here, Caelum.”

I looked over his shoulder and saw Fable with a metal stake jutting from his brain, and a hole cut into his chest. There was so much blood.

Silas tipped my chin, so I wasn’t looking anymore.

“I have no way of knowing if anyone is going to show up. We have to go.”

“What about Alec?”

Silas began pulling me away. “I’ll call his club and have them come for him, but I’m not risking you out here.”

“Promise, Silas. Promise that we’ll do right by him.” I tugged on my husband’s hand until he cradled my jaw and ducked to look me in the eye. “I promise you.”

I went with him, leaving my bike behind, and for the first time in my life, wishing I’d hear that stupid nickname just one more time.

Artemis would be buried with Alec and that meant part of me would too.