“New cut, I see…and rumor has it, you’re getting married.” Bones walked over to us, glaring down at me with those hateful eyes. Kline was next to him, leering while tossing back a beer. His eyes were red-rimmed, and he smelled like body odor and tobacco. My heart felt like a snared rabbit, desperate to run to safety. I did not like these men being this close to me or being able to stand over me.
Jamie’s grip tightened as if he could sense my unease, so I turned into him, hid my face in his neck and whispered, “I want to go back to the cabin.”
Jameson’s hand traveled higher on my thigh as his lips moved to my ear. “I’ll walk you.”
We stood, and Jameson was careful to position himself in front of me. The glare he gave the two men was death incarnate.
“Leaving so soon, Prez? We wanted a chance to talk to your pretty new fiancée.”
“You don’t get to speak to her. Ever.” Jameson warned with a deadly tone. “Now get the fuck out of my way.”
Kline’s gaze stayed fixed on me, red, watery eyes just glaring.
Jameson pushed Kline, so he stumbled back. “You don’t get to look at her.”
Brick was behind us in a second, pulling his gun out but keeping it low. A few other members fell into line behind us as well.
“You think because you’re putting a ring on her hand, we’ll suddenly accept her?” Bones rasped, focusing his glare on Jamie. Kline groaned, still trying to regain his footing.
Jameson looked over his shoulder at me. “Cover your eyes, Pen.”
Bones laughed, peering over his shoulder to find Kline. “Baby King thinks he can take us both out.”
I gripped Jamie’s wrist, silently begging him not to do what I already knew he didn’t have a choice in doing. Being president meant he kept members in line, and considering he’d already had enough dissention, I knew he walked a narrow line regarding the allegiance of his members. Jameson very likely would have already removed Kline and Bones after what they’d done to me, the fact that they still lived told me he was trying to bide his time and make it look like an accident.
“Penny, come with me.” Harris showed up from behind Brick, holding out his hand. Jameson let me go, while keeping his eyes on the two men. I rushed off to the older Stone Rider without a second glance.
Harris ushered me out of the house, but I heard the gunshots on my way out. I steadied my breath as I crawled on the back of Harris’ bike.
“I’ll be careful on the bumps.” His sweet voice said in a soothing fashion. I hadn’t been on the back of a bike in months. Not since I discovered I was pregnant. True to his word, Harris was gentle with his movements, and the way he navigated the bike. Before long, we were in front of the cabin, and Harris was helping me off and into the house.
“I’ll be right out here until Jameson gets back.”
My voice cracked as I stood in the entryway, watching as the older man backed out of the house.
“Wait. Could you…would you…” I stumbled over my words, hating that I was out of sorts over seeing those men again. Regardless that I now knew they were dead because Jamie had killed them, I still couldn’t shake this shuddering feeling in my chest.
“I have cards and coffee. Would you want to stay in here with me until Jamie comes back?”
The smile Harris gave me was mostly hidden by his beard, but I was starting to read the way his eyes lit up and how the space next to his eyes wrinkled.
“I’ll take some coffee, and I’d love a game of rummy.”
Relief sailed through me to the point I was nearly in tears. I hated being alone. I just wanted Jamie, and if I didn’t have him, then I wanted to be over with Natty.
Harris pulled out a chair and sank into it. I put on a pot of coffee and relaxed as he began talking to me about how he’d learned the hard way not to ever get in between Red and Brooks arguing. I was laughing so hard, my stomach began to ache. I sipped tea while he sipped coffee, and we shared turns winning hands at cards.
It was at least an hour or two before Jamie finally came home.
“Hey.” He searched over the table, and when his eyes landed on me, it was like a warm ray of sunshine had found a way through winter, sneaking into my heart and warming it up.
Harris stood and walked his coffee cup over to the sink. “Thank you for the company, Penny.” He winked at me, and then nodded at Jamie. “Prez.”
Jamie thanked Harris, walking him out of the cabin and then was back inside, securing the door, seconds later.
“You didn’t want to be alone?” he stated, straight away while removing his cut and boots.
I nodded slowly.