Silas started his bike, which had his officers doing the same, and then within a blink, they were driving away.
Killian walked over to me, while Wes jogged back to his bike. “Just follow us.”
I turned and got on my bike, nodding to my brothers who were waiting for my signal. We pulled out behind the Stone Riders and made our way back to the main road. The Death Raiders were about a quarter of a mile ahead of us, but we caught up quick enough. Between all our members, there was about twenty of us all together.
Rose Ridge was still new as far as navigation went, but I recognized the local market and library and then we turned off on a side street, heading into a residential neighborhood. I was confused until we stopped in front of a house that seemed busy with people milling about outside and around the property. There were lights strung up around the trees and front porch. My gaze moved around the street until it landed on a familiar looking white car.
I was off my bike in a second and rushing forward. Killian and Wes were ahead of me, but Silas just remained on his bike, watching from down the street.
We entered through the chain-linked fence and scaled the porch steps. It was just the three of us entering, so it wasn’t too crowded, but the house itself was packed full of people. There were couples on couches, others standing against the wall, sipping from coffee mugs. They eyed us warily as Killian led the way down a set of metal stairs into what seemed to be a basement.
Music floated up as we descended, and the lighting transitioned to something much darker. Below there was a stage set up, along with small tables scattered throughout the space. More dim lights were strung up, and near the back of the room was a bar with at least ten people dotted around it.
Harris was standing by the stairs, watching a group of women in the center of the room.
Blonde, brunette and midnight black. I moved first, but Killian gripped my arm.
“We tread carefully down here. Blend, find a seat, and ease into alerting them that we’re here. The town is a bit of a powder keg right now where clubs are concerned, that and this is Laura’s space. We’re careful not to stir shit up here.”
I nodded, taking a step back. I could blend into the wall, that was fine, but I watched the back of Penelope’s head while I did. I was piecing together that this was the girls’ night she’d mentioned earlier. She’d told me she was going with them, but I hadn’t exactly connected where she was going to be, not after Harris had trailed her. Guilt flared so strongly I nearly doubled over. It was my job to keep her safe, and I didn’t even know the name of where she was going to be tonight. It was another hit from Silas, who had clearly been keeping better tabs on them.
Normally I would be…I had been since she needed my help with everything, but I’d been so fucked up about that kiss that I’d essentially just dropped her at the cabin and left as quickly as I could. She tasted the same as she did the last time I kissed her, and years later, it was like I’d never stopped wanting her. Regardless that she had, in fact, stopped wanting me.
The person singing on the stage stopped, and everyone clapped. Killian made his way to the bar, where he began talking to an older man. The girls all stood, and my heart jack hammered in my chest. Pen was so beautiful with her hair swept into a half updo, her shirt clinging to her swollen stomach, and…fuck, those jeans. How did she still fit into them? Her curves and breasts were fucking mouth watering.
Living with her had become hellfire to deal with because I was always burning now.
Burning to touch her.
Burning to see her, to look at those curves she occasionally showed off. Like this morning, when she’d stretched and let her clothes rise and fall in any which way. She was tempting, and all I wanted was to lean her back and fuck her.
But that would not be good for our complicated—fake dynamic.
Or would it? She was stressed, and likely sexually frustrated…and I…well, I had to prove to everyone that this was real. Why couldn’t I touch her a little extra?
Just as I began to think it, I started walking toward the group as they exited the cluster of tables. Before Pen even caught sight of me, I was there at her back, my hand on the base of her neck.
“You look fucking sexy,” I murmured loud enough for people to hear, and then I pulled her back until her face was tipped and her eyes were locked on mine. Her lips parted, her hands went to her side, covering the one I had on her hip and then my lips were on hers.
Stardust. Silent prayers and hope.
So much hope it would burst through my chest and break my fucking heart.
Her eyes went wide, but she closed them seconds after my hand moved into her hair. She adjusted her stance and moved with me, kissing me slowly. The world seemed to blur and fade as we pulled apart, but her hands were now on my chest because her body had twisted.
“What are you doing here?”
Her lips were swollen and glistening under the lights. I wanted to pull the bottom one back between my teeth, but one kiss would be good enough for the show we needed to put on.
“Sons of Speed were spotted riding past; we were in a meeting when we left.”
Penelope suddenly spun around and found Laura, Callie and Natty waiting by the stairs with Wes and Killian.
“We should go then.” Her voice was subdued, like she was worried.
I walked behind her, keeping my hand at the small of her back. It made me curious if she had ever had any encounters with them. I’d have to ask her about it later. I knew her mom had said she’d been raised for part of her life in various clubs, but I never heard which ones they were.