Page 41 of Where We Promise

Wanda toyed with the edge of her cup and contemplated my question.

“You always watched out for her, Jamie, so I’ll tell you. She never once assumed you’d come asking about her, so it’s not like she warned me not to.”

Shit, that landed somewhere painful. Right on that bruised piece of my heart. She never assumed I’d ask about her…because I belittled the kiss and her, acting like it didn’t matter to me. When in reality it was the one thing I replayed in my head at night, it was still glowing in my sternum by morning and the only thing that seemed to keep me focused and going through all the shit happening with my dad.

“She’s doing good. She has a job as a receptionist at a photography studio. She’s really happy there and hopes to one day be taken on as an intern. As far as anything else, I’ll make you a deal…” Wanda smiled, and it reminded me of Pen’s smile, which made an ache crack open in my chest.

“Write to her, bring it to me. I’ll send it to her.”

My gaze snapped up from the glass of iced tea and narrowed on Pen’s mom.

“You’ll send it?”

She nodded with a slight smile. “Only because you always took care of her. I know you worry and it must be driving you crazy not knowing if she’s okay…” Her chin landed on her fist as she smirked. “But I wonder if it goes deeper than that. Tell me, Jamie. Do you care for my daughter?”

I stared off with Wanda, listening as the birds chirped in the backyard. It was June, so the windows were wide open, the warm breeze ruffling her blue frilled curtains.

I should lie. Just like I had with Pen…but that had blown up in my face, removing her from my life entirely, which I hadn’t wanted. Not really.

So, with cautious words, I asked, “Would this stay between us?”

Wanda’s smile grew. “It would. I’d never rob my daughter the joy of discovering someone loved her.”

My face heated as I shook my head. “I never said that.”

“You didn’t have to.” Wanda smirked again, and I lowered my face to hide the growing blush.

“You forget, Jameson, that I’m her mother and I’ve watched you both since you were thirteen years old. I was there that first day you met. While Penny assumed you didn’t like her, I knew the truth. You were always watching Pen, and I may be the only person on earth that noticed, but I did notice.”

So had my mother the few times she’d been around the club.

I toyed with the condensation on the table and lifted my shoulder.

“Doesn’t matter, she left.”

“It does matter, Jamie. Write to her…”

Doubt crept in, smothering all the hope Wanda had stirred, forcing me to shake my head. “Why bother?”

Her gaze lifted and moved to the window as she let out a sigh. “Because you weren’t the only one watching her, Jamie. That’s why. Write your letter.”

Dear Pen,

I’m not sure what to say…I guess I should start by asking how you’re doing. Your mom mentioned photography, which sounds exciting. I hope you’re enjoying it…

Your mom didn’t tell me where you’re living, and I know I don’t deserve to know, but I was hoping you’d take pity on me and tell me anyway. I just want to know that you’re okay.

I’m sorry for being an asshole, Pen.

I lied about the kiss…I know you know that already. The truth is…well, I’d rather tell you in person why I lied, but I understand if you don’t want that.

Just tell me you’re happy.


PS- Did you know that ravens can use tools, especially if they’re defending their territory? I realize that’s crazy random, but I thought it was a really cool fact.

I handed the letter to Wanda but used my own personal return address. Maybe I should have mentioned graduation and told her it didn’t feel the same without her. Or explain that the club was in a shitty place and could use some of her sunshine…but she’d left, and I didn’t want to manipulate her into coming back.