Page 23 of Where We Promise

Silas was already heading toward his bike. Giles was standing near it.

“Prez, I can explai—” Giles started, but Killian shook his head.

“Shut the fuc?—”

“Watch who you’re speaking to…” I snapped at Killian, reminding him that was my blood, and if he wanted to degrade him, he’d not do it in my presence.

Giles gave me a quick nod of appreciation while Killian’s jaw worked.

Silas turned, inspecting our exchange with a slight raise in his eyebrows. “Told you I’d be stopping in.”

“I assumed you’d have the decency to at least text,” Killian scolded, stopping just a few feet from the Raiders’ bike.

Silas wore a long-sleeved shirt, and slowly slid his jacket with all his patches over his arms.

“Thank you for at least going in without your colors.”

Silas nodded, then dipped his head.

“Natty was out walking this morning…a Chaos King was out there.”

I stepped closer, only to have Silas toss a leather cut at me.

The name sewn into the cut was covered in blood. Sandman.

“Tried going after her.” Silas narrowed his gaze at me before slipping his shades on. The December sun was bright, the air frigid but the sky was clear.

“He dead now?”

Silas nodded then addressed Killian. “She was walking to our meeting spot…told her not to go out there alone anymore.”

Killian nodded, his face reflecting he had about as many questions as I did.

“I’m not going to text you when I come around. But I will be cautious, and I’ll always slip out of my colors out of respect.”

Killian let out a sigh and then nodded.

“Fine. Fuck.”

He shook his head then spun on his heel and walked away.

I stayed put, staring at the Death Raider.

Silas gestured with his head toward the cut. “He was part of the group that defected, right?”

I nodded, still gripping the sullied leather in my palms. This meant Luke and Jefferson had sent men to keep eyes on us, and they were close.

“Sorry Natty was in danger, I’m glad she?—”

“Don’t—” Silas cut me off, practically choking on the words. “Don’t say her name.”

I lifted my head, delighted that he’d slipped enough to show his weakness to me.

He had no idea how that had my mind churning with ways to mess with him. If I didn’t have Pen to worry about, I’d push on what was so obviously a painful bruise for him.

Feigning innocence, I muttered, “I didn’t mean anyth?—”

He stepped closer. “Let’s be clear. I allowed you to live after meeting with her because Killian was present, but if you ever talk to her alone, I will kill you. She is not available; she is not open property. She is mine.”