“Let me have him while you girls go off and gossip.”
I handed over Connor’s car seat, where he was snuggly buckled in. “Are you sure?”
Red was already walking back through the kitchen, waving me off.
Natty slid off her stool and led us up to her bedroom. Once the door was shut, the girls all whirled on me.
“What’s going on?”
I sat down on Natty’s sofa and put my face in my hands.
“Jamie killed Luke…or ordered him to be…I don’t exactly know, but I asked him if he knew what had happened to Luke last week, and it all sort of just came out. Now he just informed me we’re moving. He bought us a house.”
Callie’s mouth was wide as she slowly sank down next to me. Laura’s mouth was pursed, but her brows were drawn in tight.
“Are you mad at Jamie for doing it?” That was from Laura, and her tone was so full of caution that I wasn’t sure what to make of it. “Both…I mean killing Luke and just randomly buying a house. Have you even seen it?”
Natty reached over and squeezed my hand. “You’re staying?”
I smiled at her, while trying to rein in my emotions.
“I am. I’m hurt more than anything because he said he would trust me from now on, and he didn’t. I know Luke was a bad guy, but he didn’t deserve to die. And yes, he took me to see the house. It’s on Gulden Drive, beautiful and perfect but still…who just does that?”
Laura’s gaze cut over to Natty’s and then Callie’s.
“What?” I searched between them. “What am I missing?”
Natty let out a sigh and tugged her braid over her shoulder while searching the floor.
“A few months back, right after you arrived, you heard about Senator Witt getting shot?”
I nodded. The details were all fuzzy, but I recalled hearing about that, never heard who did it though.
Laura’s face paled as she continued, “Jefferson showed up with Senator Witt…well he was my dad, but that doesn’t really matter. There was another man who had come in behind where Killian and I were standing. That man held me at gunpoint…”
My heart cinched tight in my chest. “Luke…”
Laura nodded. “His finger was pulling the trigger, Pen. He had every intention of shooting me. My mom fired a shot, and that is the only reason I’m still standing here.”
Oh my god. I shot my hand out, and Laura met me, gripping it firm.
“You knew Luke well; do you think he would have become a better person? One that didn’t cause fear, or kill innocent people?”
I hated the heaviness that seemed to fill up my lungs with that question. A tear slid down my face as I shook my head.
“I’m not saying Jamie was right, but this life doesn’t allow for a sense of true justice. There’s loyalty and honor and when you break it, you’re done for.” Laura gave me one last squeeze before she let my hand go.
Callie toyed with my hair, then rubbed a hand over her stomach. “And as far as the house…Wes built ours without my say, or even knowing. It was a sweet gesture, but I think these men, they just have to protect us in the best way they know how.”
Callie brushed a lock of hair off my shoulder. “Jameson loves you, Pen. I know if it were Wes, Killian...” Her eyes lifted to Natty. “Or Silas, they all would have done the same for us. Luke was a danger to you, and to Connor.”
“I know.” I sniffed, “But I just feel blindsided by the murder…he didn’t tell me, or include me at all. I just…I get that this is the life. I’ve grown up in it my whole life, but Jamie and me, what we have goes deeper. He should have told me.”
Natty’s hand came around my back, where she pulled me into a hug.
“You’re allowed to be angry at him, Pen. It wasn’t just his call. We’ll support you in whatever sort of silent treatment or burnt dinners you want to punish him with.”
A laugh escaped me as I swiped at my eyes.