Page 99 of Where We Promise

Which brought me back to once again feeling tortured.

“What, the cramps?” Jamie asked from his place on the floor. Connor was asleep in the little swing next to him, and my husband was doing push-ups. Not just push-ups, he was also doing crunches, lunges and other stretches that highlighted his sculpted ass and broad chest. He’d even worked up a sweat and was slightly glistening.

I threw another pillow at him. “You, you idiot.”

His sexy smirk wasn’t making things any easier.

“What’s wrong, does my wife need some relief?”

I stared up at the ceiling, praying for patience.

We’d been home for a week, and while I hadn’t torn, I did get my period in the worst possible way. I was wearing the world’s largest pads, while still icing because I wasn’t sure when the nurse said to stop. All I knew was they said I could not have sex for six weeks. It didn’t help matters that my milk came in and my tits were now beyond massive. They hurt all the time, so Jamie couldn’t even touch them.

I did however catch him staring at them while he stroked his cock inside his sweats.

“Jameson King, if you don’t stop working out and being sexy all over the place, I’m going to wait until I’m not bleeding and then sit on your face until you can’t breathe.”

He crawled up to the bed and got in-between my legs, while placing gentle kisses on my stomach and chest.

“Death by pussy, an admirable way to die, Mrs. King. Very on brand for my current position in life.”

“As a motorcycle club leader?” I laughed, pushing my hands into his hair.

His warm brown eyes held more peace these last few weeks than I had ever seen. It made me wonder if being that leader was really what he wanted.

“Can I ask you something?” I stroked my thumb over his eyebrows.

He turned my palm and placed a kiss there. “Anything.”

“Is the club really what you want long term…I know it’s in your family, and I’m not downplaying it. I’m trying to ensure I help you obtain your happiness.”

His face became deadly serious, and it made my own drop with dread.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have?—”

“You and Connor are what make me happy, Pen.”

I waited for him to elaborate, but he didn’t. He just started kissing my stomach, and I pulled his face, until he was moving, and his lips were on mine.

I might not be able to fuck him, but I could kiss him, and the man was damn good at kissing.

I was sipping coffee, watching as Connor napped peacefully in his swing when Jameson walked in through the front door.

“Babe, I have a surp?—”

“Let me see him.” A female voice echoed through the room, which had me spinning around.

Jamie’s mother walked into the small cabin and set her purse down, then walked over to the kitchen sink and washed her hands.

“How are you feeling, honey?” Margie was suddenly in front of me, gently taking my face in her hands. “Beautiful as always, you look amazing, Penelope.”

I smiled, unsure what I was supposed to do.

“Can I meet your son, Pen?” Her eyes matched Jameson’s and it made my stomach flip. I set my coffee down and got up.

“Of course, here, take a seat.” I set the pillow aside. She obliged and settled on the sofa as I pulled Connor out of the swing and then gently set him in her arms.

I watched as she held him and stared down in awe. “Hello, sweet boy. I’m your grandma, and I love you so much.”