“Red from the Stone Riders, she offered to help me out. Said she helped with all the cuts in the club. It’ll be ready in a few days.” I slipped out of my boots and hung up my cut before turning to see her expression.
Her face flushed, but she lowered it just in time to take another spoonful into her mouth.
“You need some actual dinner.”
She shook her head. “We ate before we went to the Hollow…but I can get you something…” She turned toward the fridge and pulled it open.
“No, don’t worry about me. Just eat your snack and relax.” I waved her off, walking into the kitchen. She smelled like honey wrapped in pine. The scent was smeared into my soul now, like a balm of hope. I wanted to press my nose to her glossy black hair and inhale. I wanted to skim her scattered freckles with my tongue and see if she’d taste as sweet as she smelled.
“We have chicken and potatoes from the other night,” Penelope offered, watching me from over her shoulder.
Fuck, I was fighting a hard-on.
“I’m good…actually I think I want to take a quick shower first. You need in the bathroom before I hop in?”
My erection was growing, and I really needed to hide it. So I moved around the kitchen counter and gave Penelope my back.
Her sweet voice finally echoed as I made my way into the room. “No, I’m good.”
I shut the door, and then briskly tugged my shirt free and yanked at the copper button of my jeans.
With them loose around my hips, I ambled into the bathroom like an addict scoring a fix.
My cock was in my fist seconds later, and with my other hand, I turned the knob on the shower. This was fucking ridiculous; she hadn’t even done anything but exist.
But the idea of existing with her, so fucking close was too much for me.
Right before I stepped into the shower, I hesitated with my hand near my phone…she’d suggested we tell each other when we needed privacy, but…
I stroked my shaft, thinking of her lips. I thought about what they’d feel like wrapped around my cock, how big her eyes would get when taking all of me. I thought of what kinds of sounds she’d make when I gripped her by the hair and went deeper. How she’d look coated with white bands of cum coating her lashes and those swollen lips.
Precum leaked from the head of my cock as I found the unlocked padlock emoji, then I shot it to her in a text and set the phone down on the counter.
No clue what would happen with that text, maybe nothing but the idea of Penelope opening the text and then picturing me in here, fucking my hand…it was too tempting not to do. Although, this would open it up for her to respond in kind, and knowing Penelope, she’d take it as a challenge, and fuck if I knew what sort of game she’d turn it into.
I just knew this new situation gave me permission to touch her, and I couldn’t find it in me to care.
Dear Jameson,
I can’t believe we’ve been writing to each other for six months and I don’t know what your aspirations are.
You finished high school, what do you want to do next? I’m so excited, this photographer that I’ve been shadowing and interning with just offered me a place on her team. I have four photo shoots booked for next week, and I get to keep fifty-five percent of the commission. I’ve started my own business profile page and social media account. Next is my website and little cards. I can’t wait.
I’m living in a tiny apartment outside of DC right now, and while I love it, it’s so stupid expensive, so I’m scouting areas closer to Richland.
Anyway, hope you’re doing well. Can’t wait to hear from you.
PS- Did you know that ravens are known to have friends…and enemies?
Dear Penny,