Armand? Did Joe do what I told him to?
I find Alma at the landing. She’s already dressed for the day, her hair tucked into a solid blue bandana, a dustpan in hand. I tried to hire her just to do the cooking, but she insists on doing the cleaning as well. So, I hired a small staff to assist. This house is huge.
“Good morning, Mr. Master.”
“Morning, Alma. What’s all the noise?”
“I don’t know, sir. I keep my business to myself, you know.” She gives me a tight smile, swiping her rag along the side tables until they shine. She doesn’t suffer dust or fingerprints. Someonecould rob our place, and she’d have the prints wiped off before the cops could arrive.
Not that we’d need them.
“But Ithink,” she says, turning so I can’t see her face. I’m sure she’s smiling, though, because she’s always smiling. “Your little lady has already awoken.”
Mylittle lady?
She is little, I’ll give her that.
“Has she?”
“Yessir. She came down earlier looking for a few things.”
I’m walking down the stairs as Alma fills me in but have half an ear out for Armand and Joe.
“What was she looking for?”
“Cucumbers, filtered water, fresh mint, and some moisturizer.” I’ll have her make a list tonight of everything she needs.
“I got her everything she requested, sir.”
“Thank you.”
The smell of coffee wafts past me, along with the low murmur of voices in the kitchen. I trot down the remaining steps and head to the kitchen. Violet’s nowhere to be seen. Joe’s sitting at the head of the table with a cup the size of a Great Lake in front of him, along with a few others. They all look up when I enter.
“Morning. Anyone seen Miss Price?”
“Morning, sir,” Joe says, his eyes twinkling at me. “I believe Miss Price is ready for her… instruction?” He leaves enough of a pause between his words to make the other men guffaw. I’ll give him a fucking lesson.
“At the shooting range?” I don’t want her there without me. We’ve got weapons that would blow the arm off a giant.
“She has no shooting experience. I don’t want her at the range without someone who knows how to shoot.”
“No shooting experience?” Joe looks baffled. He’s probably wondering why I hired someone with no shooting experience, but I don’t owe him an explanation.
On paper, she’s got skills. She’s got many things she can offer my team. In real life, I want a hell of a lot more than her skill set.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know. It won’t happen again.”
I nod. “Did you do what I asked you to?”
“Yessir.” He was supposed to fire Armand this morning.
“I’m guessing that didn’t go over so well?”
“No, not at all, but it confirmed for me you made the right call.”