The energy between the two of us crackles and sizzles. I tremble at his nearness, at his scent. I want totastehim.
I close my eyes and go for broke. I lick where I just kissed.
The groan he utters lashes through me as his grip tightens. I suckle his skin. I want more.I needmore. I swear I feel thesnapas his resolve breaks.
His mouth is so close I can feel his breath. I’m on the bed. I don’t even know how I got here. He kneels beside me, the bed sagging under his weight.
Strong fingers grasping my chin, he lifts my mouth from his neck, and for one heart-stopping moment, I don’t know whatterrifies me more—the thought of him kissing me or the thought of him turning away.
His fingers tangle in my hair as if to prove to himself that I’m real, that I can’t get away from him. I watch his lips part. My heart slams against my rib cage… then his mouth meets mine and my thoughts come to a stuttering, screeching halt as my brain short-circuits and I fall fully into my body.
Like everything about Cain Master, his kiss istoo much.
Too much everything.
My heart beats too fast, my breathing’s too ragged, my body’s onfirejust from this one kiss. He tugs the lock of my hair wrapped around his fingers, pulling my head back, and when I gasp from the intensity of it, he takes advantage, moving to fully claim my mouth until there’s no room for escape.
I want everything.Allof him. His hands on my breasts, his naked body pressed to mine, his length inside me.I want him in me.
I want to live in this moment, revel in it. Every fiber of me’s alive with excitement, need and desire rolling through me to the tips of my toes. I don’t know if I’m awake or dreaming, but if it’s a dream, I don’t want to wake. If I’m awake, I don’t want to fall asleep.
I squeeze my legs together as pressure builds between my thighs, a throbbing, burning need.
Something behind him blares like a foghorn. At first, he ignores it, but at the second raucous shriek, he pulls away. I stifle a whimper.
His goddamn phone.
“I have to take this.” He slams his phone on and smacks it to his ear. All I have to say is, whoever’s on the other end of that line better have something important to say or the both of us won’t think twice about murder.
I sit up, awake, but can’t hear a thing.
He curses. “I’ll be right there.”
When he hangs up his phone and glares, I know his anger isn’t meant for me. He doesn’t like to be interrupted on agoodday, never mind now.
“I have to go. We got a lead on another case we’re working on.” He runs a hand through his hair. I’ve never been so jealous of another person’s fingers. “I need you to get some sleep. Tomorrow, we will investigate further, and you get your shooting lesson.”
He turns to leave. I feel cold and hot all at once as I watch him. Before he goes, he looks over his shoulder at me.
“I’m sorry.” I don’t know if he’s apologizing for leaving or for kissing me. Maybe both. “Shooting range is opposite the pool. Meet me there at seven.”
The door shuts with finality.
I stare at it for a moment, wondering if everything that just happened was my imagination. My fingers roam to my lips, and my eyes flutter closed.
I did not imagine that.
He kissed me. He kissed me, and I want more.
Did I just sell my soul to the Devil?
It’stwo o’clock in the morning when I finally get to bed. I signed off on a job involving several of my men, because I want them back here as soon as possible. Every other job we’re working on needs to be finished, and quickly, and thank fuck we’re closing in on one deal so I can free up more of my men. Tomorrow—Jesus,today—we need to make headway on finding Skylar.