I don’t miss how he walks beside me. His razor-sharp gaze notes everything. If there’s anyone here to try to take me now, they’d better have backup, a hand grenade, and a cannon, because no one’s getting me without a declaration of war.
The ride back to his house hurts likehell.
“You’ve got ibuprofen back at that mansion, right?” I mutter, my head falling on the seat behind me. My eyes close.
“No sleeping,” Cain snaps. My eyes fly back open.
“You really are a slave driver!”
That gets Joe’s attention, but he doesn’t say anything.
“You can’t sleep now. You could have a concussion.”
“Fine. But God, am I tired. How long do I have to stay awake?”
“Until the doctor gives you clearance.”
“Oh God. I’m gonna need a coffee. Double shot of espresso, straight up.”
“Need me to stop and get some?”
I sigh. “No. I don’t drink coffee.”
He shakes his head.
He changes the subject. “Back to what happened.”
“So I got him with a jab. I believe that’s where we left off.”
“You have a mean jab,” Joe chimes in.
I stare at him. He’s never seen me fight.
“How do you know?”
He shrugs and laughs. “I can just tell. You’re a fighter. Little fireplug.”
He’s lying. I look at Cain, but his face is a mask of stone.
“I threw a jab and he fell back, and he would’ve gotten me but I aimed a very,verywell-placed kick to his crotch that wasmeantto incapacitate him. And that was when everything began to go wrong.”
Cain sighs and accelerates.
“This car is gorgeous, by the way.Stunning,with this all-leather interior. Are these heated seats?”
“Yes. Thank you. Get back to the story.”
“There’s not much more to tell. He rebounded, slapped me across the face so hard I bit my lip, and we literally brawled. I tried to pull my knife, but I was too slow, and by the time I got it out…” I sigh. I hate this part of the story. “He was out the window and onto the fire escape.”
Cain frowns. “He slapped you?”
I nod. Of all those details I just told him, that’s what he thinks about? “Yeah.”
His back goes rigid.
“Remember I said you’ll be at my place at eight a.m.? Now that order’s null and void, since you’re coming back with me.”