Page 48 of Obsession

He makes a noise that sounds like a growl, but waits for me to continue. For a big, grumpy guy he can be patient when he wants to be.

I give him a curious look. “Wait, how did you know what I liked?”

“Stick with the story, please. You answer my questions first, then I’ll answer yours.” He tears open a gauze pad and gently swipes across my temple. He pulls it away stained in blood. I continue.

“I texted you, and then when I turned around there were irises on my windowsill.”

“That weren’t there before.”


The savage cruelty I saw in his eyes when I first met him returns. I draw in a ragged breath. I look into his clear, sapphire eyes thatglimmer like ice, the same frigid eyes that pulled the trigger next to a man’s temple today without remorse. He watched that man crumple to the floor without blinking, then called for his team.

It was apparent to me from the moment I met him that fury and power war within him. He’s only played nice for a little while.

Today I saw the real Cain Master.

With military precision, he slides a bandage open, then cradles the back of my head. The whole base of my skull fits easily in his cupped palm. With gentle pressure, he pulls me toward him as he puts the bandage on my cut. My breath catches at how gentle and careful he is, like he knows I’m injured and can’t bear to cause me any more pain.

If only he knew.

I shiver.

His heavy brows draw over his eyes, and his mouth forms a thin, angry line.

“Go on.”

He opens another antiseptic packet and lifts my hand in his. My hand looks so small engulfed in his much larger hands. Mine are bleeding. I don’t remember why. The adrenaline and fear blinded me.

I draw in a shaky breath as he wipes the grit and blood from my hands. It stings, but I don’t let myself flinch. “After I saw the flowers, I put my phone down. I considered calling you. I decided I was going to drive to your place after all, and when I came into my room, someone hit me.”

He lets loose a string of curses.

I want to find the man who attacked me. I want to find him, and I want to kill him. I want him to pay for everything he’s done. So I speed up my story.

“I felt the blow and blocked on instinct with a slip.” It was drilled into me how to block a kick or punch, arms up to defend the face while squatting to block the gut.

He nods.

“When he was on the downswing, I turned and jabbed him straight in the gut.”

“Did you get any names in your research?”

“Just Derrick Dossier, the man suspected but released on the rape and abduction charges.”

Cain picks up his phone and makes a call. “I want you to get everything you can on Derrick Dossier. Report on my desk within the hour.” He doesn’t even wait for a response but hangs up his phone and shoves it back in his pocket.

“This motherfucker’s playing us. He’s after you and may have my sister. We can’t fuck around anymore, Violet.”

There’s my name again.

“Yeah. I’m coming back with you. We need to put our heads together. Pool resources.”

He narrows his eyes. “What a novel concept. Pack a fucking bag.”

“Do you ever say please?”

He looks down, his eyes on my shins. I’m wearing a pair of shorts, my legs on full display. Angry purple bruises mark my shins from earlier.