Page 141 of Obsession

But now… now after everything, I can’t trust him anymore. And what’s a relationship at all if it isn’t built on trust?

“He says come on over. Meet him at the back gate, and he’ll get us in.”

“Excellent.” I nod. We’re one step closer.

We pull up to an actual, bonafidecastle,the biggest estate I’ve ever seen, bigger even than Descamps. This one strangely doesn’t have a security gate, though.

“Um, why did no one tell me this family lives in an actualcastle?”

Skylar grins. “It’s amazing, isn’t it?”

I shake my head in disbelief. “And yet, no security gate? Or…moat?” I ask, curious about this one detail.

“They have dogs and snipers,” Cain explains. “And they trust their reputation. They’ve got a security team that rivals any on the East Coast.”

I whistle. “Damn.”


“So where’s your guy, Skylar?”

We drive slowly, our tires gliding over the black paved driveway with ease. She points to a large mansion up on a hill. “There.”

A tall, good-looking guy with short black hair stands, wearing nothing but a T-shirt and jeans against the bitter cold wind. He looks like he could be a throwback to the James Dean era, his dark hair falling over his forehead giving him a bad boy vibe. He scowls when he sees me and Cain, his eyes narrowing.

“You did tell him we were coming, right?”

“Welllll,” Sky says with an apologetic shrug. “I mean, I told himIwas.”

“Sky,” I groan.

Cain parks the truck and exhales. “Violet, you stay here. I’ll go with Sky and tell you when to come.”

“Fuck. Off.” I slide over and get out of the truck behind Skylar. She giggles softly to herself, and Cain slams the truck door so hard I’m surprised the windshield doesn’t break. But I don’t work for him. I don’t take orders from him. I did for a time because we liked it that way. Because I told him I was his. But now… now he’s lost that privilege.

“Mario Rossi,” Sky says under her breath, “is loyal to the core. Keep that in mind. Say nice things about his family.”

I see the dark eyes of his dogs lurking behind him and pat my pocket reassuringly. These treats are going to come in handy.

“Skylar.” His voice hasn’t ripened with age, and I’d guess he’s probably a junior or so in college. Early twenties, though men in organized crime like this likely age a lot quicker than your run-of-the-mill boy. “You didn’t tell me you were bringing company.”

“Missed you, too, Mario,” she says with a charming grin. “This is my brother Cain and…” she pauses, unsure of what to call me. “His co-worker Violet.”


Mario doesn’t respond.

“They need to talk with your dad or brother.” Violet says unassumingly. “Please?”

“They’re packing, heading to Tuscany. They don’t want company right now.”

Skylar sidles up to him and kisses his cheek. He rests his hand on her hip, and Cain’s whole body tightens.

I don’t care I don’t care I don’t care.

Mario grunts, whispers something in Skylar’s ear, and she giggles like a little girl. God.

She whispers back to him. “Alright,” he says with a nod. “Five minutes. I’ll bring you in, make sure you don’t get shot, then you’re out of here, but all I’m giving you is five minutes.”