The space is clean, but bare. There aren’t any decorations on the white walls, and the comfortable-looking brown couch is absent of any throw pillows. The place has a distinct air of only being used as a resting area, though I don’t think it would take much to turn this house into a home.
“I know it’s not much,” he says as he closes the front door, “but it’s clean. Between you and me, I’m too tired when I get home from work to make much of a mess.”
“It’s nice,” I reply, letting him lead me to the couch. “I can hear myself think here.”
“Well, I’m glad to be able to provide you some refuge,” he says as he settles into one of the corner seats. “As far as entertainment goes, the only thing I have to offer is a Netflix subscription. Do you want to watch a movie?”
“That sounds great,” I say, hesitating before I plant myself on the middle cushion.
Leo looks at me curiously, but doesn’t seem to mind the proximity. In fact, he spreads his legs a little, causing our knees to knock together. I might be wrong since I’m lacking in experience, but I think he’s flirting with me. So, in response, I press my leg against his, loving the warmth that spreads through my body from the point of contact.
“So,” he says, a smoldering smile settling on his lips, “do you have any requests?”
“Uh,” I start, briefly forgetting what we were talking about. Right. Movies. “Not really. Maybe just whatever the newest release is?”
“Sounds good to me,” he says, grabbing the remote from the end table and starting the movie. Then, after a moment of thought, he pauses it and digs into his pocket, pulling out his phone. “How about we order dinner?”
I didn’t realize I was hungry, but now that he mentions it, I’m starving. “I’d like that. I haven’t eaten since noon today.”
“Then you definitely need some sustenance,” Leo says with an air of finality. “I was thinking pizza. How does that sound?”
“Perfect,” I say, glad that he made the decision for us. “Can we do pepperoni?”
“How’d you know that was my favorite?” he asks, knocking his knee against mine once again.
“Lucky guess,” I say with a grin.
Once he gets the order sent, he starts the movie again, and the two of us fall into a companionable silence. I’m only half paying attention to the characters on the screen, more focused on Leo’s proximity. Then, about five minutes into the film, he drapes his arm over my shoulders.
For a moment, I freeze. I’ve never been in a situation like this before, and I don’t know what to do or how to interpret the action. Is he just doing this to comfort me, or does he have ulterior motives? When I turn my head to ask, my breath catches in my throat.
His warm brown eyes are focused on my face. The expression settled across his features is gentle and open. Then, his gaze flashes down to my lips, and all thought leaves my mind. Before I’m able to register what I’m doing, my body is swaying toward him like a bee to a bright flower.
Our lips connect and my eyes fall closed. The kiss is hesitant, tentative. It’s like Leo is testing whether or not this is okay without using words. So, in an effort to tell him that yes, I want this, I press my mouth harder against his.
I feel his smile rather than see it. With my unspoken permission, he pulls me in closer. His spare hand cups my cheek, his thumb stroking my skin lightly. It’s like he doesn’t want to push too far too fast, and I adore him for it even though I’d let him take things so much further if he were willing to lead.
While I have kissed other boys before, it’s never felt quite like this. Those kisses were always chaste, closed mouthed and innocent. The kind of kisses you share with high school crushes. This is different. It’s sensual and hot with the underlying promise of more to come. Our lips have only been touching for a few minutes, and I already know this is something I could get addicted to. I might already be.
Just when I thought things couldn’t get better, I feel Leo’s tongue at the seam of my mouth. It’s light, a touch that’s barely there. I could ignore it if I wanted, but I don’t want to. I let my lips part, making a satisfied sound when his tongue slides in.
Experimentally, I suck at the intrusion. Leo groans, pulling me in even closer, and I know that I’ve done something right. His tongue flicks against mine. The sensation sends shivers through my entire being, and the place between my legs starts to feel damp.
This sort of reaction is completely foreign to me, but I can’t say I dislike it. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. It’s so good that I find myself longing for even more.
I’m acting before I can stop myself, climbing onto his lap. His arms fall from my neck down to my waist, his hands gripping my hips hard. I grip his shoulders as I allow myself to explore his mouth. Leo seems happy to let me.
Our tongues meet in the middle, touching between the sweet slide of our lips. I’m vaguely aware of the soft whimpers escaping my mouth, but I can’t bring myself to care. This feels so good that there’s no stopping it. I think I want Leo to hear how amazing I feel.
The longer we kiss, the bolder the both of us get. The movie plays on in the background as his hands start to roam up and down my back. My hips start to twitch involuntarily. I feel like I need some sort of friction, but I don’t know why. It’s like this kiss is lighting every nerve in me on fire. I wonder if this is what I’ve been missing out on, if this is why everyone I know seems to be obsessed with the idea of being in a relationship.
I’m sure things are about to go further, I can feel it in the way Leo pushes me against him harder. I’m ready to let him, too. Whatever it is he wants to give me, I want to take it. I welcome it with open arms.
Those thoughts are cut short by a sharp, loud knock at the door. I pull away from Leo with what I’m sure is a wild look in my eyes. I’m reeling from the sensation of kissing him, and being thrown back into reality is a shock. From his expression, he feels the exact same way.
“Pizza’s here,” he says breathlessly, his pupils blown and his lips red. “I should–”
“Right,” I say, staying where I am for a moment before realizing I need to get off of his lap and let him up.