“Do I have to keep the finger inside?”

“Of course not, baby girl. Take it out if you don’t like it there.”

“Thanks.” Some of her tension seems to dissolve. “I don’t think I’m ready for that.”

“Thank you for telling me.” I won’t take it for granted that she’s willing to be honest.

I spit in my hand and stroke myself, picturing her flushed cheeks, and the rapid rise and fall of her chest. I remember how pretty her tits were, and how much I loved having her slender thighs wrapped around my head.

“Turn up the vibrator,” I rasp. “Put it right on your clit and don’t even think about pulling it away.”

She cries out. “Oh, God. It’s too much.”

“You can take it.” This much, I’m sure of. Her voice is thick with pleasure, not strain.

Her next cry is muffled, as if her hand is over her mouth.

“Let me hear you,” I growl. “Don’t try to hide.”

“It’s too much, it’s too much,” she whispers over and over again. “I’m gonna… Oh, God.”

She moans as she comes, and the sound shoots right to my balls. Pleasure licks at my nerves and I empty all over my stomach.

“Fuuuck,” I pant. “Echo. Baby. Fuck, you’re so perfect.”

She doesn’t respond, and we’re both quiet as we catch our breath. Just as I’m beginning to wonder if she has regrets, she finally speaks.

“I hope you know what it takes for me to be vulnerable with you,” she says. “If you do or say anything to make me think I shouldn’t have taken the risk, you’ll never hear from me again.”




I get comfortable on my bed and add a heart emoji to the end of the text message I’ve typed to Echo. Footsteps bang up the hall and I bolt upright. The only person in this house who would make that much noise is Dad, and it sounds like he’s coming toward me.

An instant later, the bedroom door flies open and crashes against the wall. He glares at me as if it’s my fault he’s probably just dented the wall.

I stiffen. I don’t know what I did, but whatever it was, it can’t be good.

He stops halfway into the room and puts his hands on his hips. His expression is darker than the rainclouds outside, and I shiver involuntarily.

“Why did you rent a room at a hotel?” he demands, practically bristling with fury.

My stomach clenches, any trace of hunger vanishing. I’ve only booked a hotel room once—when I took Echo there. If he knows about the room, it’s possible he’s figured out what I was doing, but on the off chance he’s just fishing, there’s no way I’m going to cause problems for her.

I swing my legs off the bed and sit up. “It’s none of your business.”

He gestures for me to stand. When I don’t, he grabs my shirt and yanks me roughly to my feet.

“Want to rephrase that?” he asks, dangerously low.

I raise my chin. “No.”

Whatever happens, I’m in trouble, but I can protect my girl.

My beautiful shooting star.