I gasp, my heart skittering wildly.
I look around, stunned and bewildered. The gymnasium has been transformed. The lights have been dimmed, and silver and blue balloons hang from the ceiling. The walls are covered with black fabric, and Dua Lipa plays through the speakers. It’s an older song, from a few years ago.
That’s when it hits me.
“Oh, my God.” I whirl around to face Tyler. “It’s prom!”
The song changes to something slower.
He shuffles from foot to foot, obviously uncertain. “Will you dance with me?”
I still can’t get my mind around what’s happening, but I allow him to guide me into a dance. We sway together, our bodies brushing with each movement. He dips me and spins me with more grace than I could have imagined. I hold onto him as tightly as I can.
When the song ends, he stills, and cups my face between his hands. He kisses me, slowly and tenderly. My toes curl and I smile against his mouth. I can’t believe he’s done this.
He pulls back, just enough to speak. “This is the prom we should have had. I should have danced with you, kissed you, and told everyone how proud I was to be with you. I’m sorry I didn’t, but I swear things will be different this time.”
I brush my lips against his. “I know they will. You’ve already shown me that.”
“Good.” The corners of his eyes crinkle as he smiles. “There’s a suit and a dress in the changing rooms. What do you say we dress up and dance some more?”
“Really? You bought me a dress?”
He runs his hand through his hair, his expression turning sheepish. “I paid. Your mom chose it. She’s the one who helped me organize all of this.”
I shake my head, hardly able to believe it considering how nervous he was to meet her in person, but at the same time, it makes perfect sense considering how they both seemed to be in on a secret earlier. As the school cleaner, Mom has the connections to make this happen.
“Thank you.” I wrap my arms around him and rest my cheek over his heart.
He kisses the top of my head. “I’ll dance with you every day if it makes you happy.”
When I’ve had my fill of hugging him, we change into our prom clothes. I can’t help noticing how similar mine is to the one I wore that night. Mom must have done that purposefully.
We dance and laugh and kiss, and it’s nothing like our actual prom was.
It’s a hundred times better.
Echo shifts restlessly on her seat beside me. “When does it start?”
I stare at the stage, my stomach a riot of nerves. “Any minute now.”
Conversation buzzes around us, but I tune it all out. My companions understand. They know how important today is for me, and they’re here to support me through every minute. I reach over and squeeze Echo’s hand. I’m sweating, even though the air conditioning is on.
“You’ll get Washington,” Soraya says, leaning over Echo so I can hear her. “Right, Mom?”
“They’d be silly not to pick you first,” Mom replies, her smile hesitant. “They need a strong center.”
I allow myself to be distracted by her momentarily. In a blue dress and makeup a little brighter than Dad would have let her wear, she looks good. She and I have been talking lately, and I’m glad she’s here with me. While we haven’t mended any bridges yet, we’re on the way there.
Echo toys with the necklace she now wears every day. “Whatever happens, we’ll make it work.”
My gut knots tighten. “I know.”
But that doesn’t mean I don’t have all my fingers and toes crossed for Washington. It would mean the least distance between Echo and me. She’s said she’ll relocate for her postgraduate studies so she can be with me, but I don’t want to take her too far from home.