Page 55 of Love Off Script

“Not really. I mean, Davia drugged me, but I’m not sure what she did while I was out. Something about pictures and stuff to sell, but the cops said they would confiscate her phone and check her car. But what happened to you?” She squeezed my hand, and I rested my head against her shoulder.

“It’s really nothing. My foot got caught in the door of Java Jive, and I might have broken my toe.”

She turned her ocean gaze on me. “Please say this was because you tripped running from Ember?” There was a lightness in her voice, and I buried my face in her neck.

“I wish I had been that smart.” I shook my head, and her fingers gently combed through my hair.

“Aww, you’re just a learn-the-hard-way kind of person. At least you won’t have to go through that lesson again because now you have me, and I’m obviously who you were looking for.” Her laughter was contagious, and I couldn't help but join in.

“That is true, but was I who you were looking for?” I pulled back to stare at her as I waited for her response.

Her fingers gently cupped my cheeks, sending a warm sensation through my skin. “Shy, you might speak softly, but you leave a lasting impression. From that first conversation, I already sensed a spark between us, and I didn't want that connection to end. I thought I was helping you, but I had it all wrong—you were the unexpected answer to a question I didn't even know existed within me.”

She was so damn perfect. Was this reality, or was I on a trip? As soon as our lips connected, a surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins, and I knew I was alive.

“Oh my god, I want that.” A sing-songy voice interrupted us, reminding me we weren’t alone. When Caz and I broke apart, the EMT put her hands over her mouth. “I’m sorry. Did I ruin your fairytale?”

Caz stared at her, and I could see the wheels turning. She was about to say something sarcastic, but I put my hand on her forearm.

“No need to apologize. We got tied up in the moment.” I didn’t want her to feel bad for our indiscretion.

“That’s what she said,” Caz muttered, and I gave her a side-eye. “What?” she mouthed.

“You two are adorable. How long have you been together?” Her question caught me off guard.

Did I tell the truth and say an hour? Or did I say what it felt like, which was, since before we met? Both answers were ludicrous. Caz was someone who was meant to be in my life, and how long I knew her was irrelevant. What mattered were our interactions and how she made me feel.

Caz never made me question who I was or who I was supposed to be. She encouraged me to embrace my awkwardness. And with her near, I felt empowered to make bold choices. She wanted me to step outside my comfort zone and helped me overcome my self-doubt.

“Long enough,” Caz replied, not waiting for me to get my thoughts in order, but I was happy not to have to answer. She laced her fingers through mine, and thankfully, the ambulance stopped before we had to make any more small talk.

“All right, we have two adult females. One needs a drug and rape kit, and the other needs a possible x-ray,” the EMT spouted to the people holding wheelchairs outside of the lift.

“Do you think Davia raped you?” Nausea bubbled in my stomach upon hearing those words.

“Are you kidding? If I wasn’t giving, I was useless to her.” She rolled her eyes as the man standing below helped her down. “I can walk myself.” She waved him off, but he didn’t take no for an answer.

I gladly took the seat because the less pressure I put on my foot, the better.

“We’ll get you checked in, but the police are here to talk to you,” the woman pushing me stated.

“Okay.” I turned to Caz, who had her hand over her face, probably trying to hide who she was.

Once inside, they took us to separate locations, and I didn’t like that. I wanted to be there for her and know how she was doing.

The woman wheeled me to the X-ray room and left me with someone in scrubs. “Hi, I’m Stacy. I’ll take the images of your foot. Is it all right if I take off your shoe?”

I nodded, but I just wanted this to be over. I knew Caz didn’t think Davia did anything physical to her, but when the cops told her everything they knew, it would be emotional.

After sliding off my Converse, she peeled off my sock, but it was coated in blood, and I flinched. “I’m so sorry, but the cloth has dried to the skin.”

“Rip it off quickly.” I closed my eyes, but they popped open when she screamed.

“Oh my god, the nail came off.” She covered her mouth, and I peeked down at the black-and-blue toe that was covered in red.

No wonder it hurt so badly—it looked like something from a cartoon.

“Let me get your foot up here.” She positioned me in several different directions and took the pictures she needed. “The doctor will be with you shortly to review the findings.” By the grimace on her face, I didn’t need a doctor to tell me it wasn’t good.