Page 13 of Love Off Script

I hadn’t ever been to the place Shiloh suggested we meet, so I ordered a ride. I didn’t want to get lost and make a terrible impression. However, we seemed to be over the niceties. Last night, we bypassed much of the small talk as I shifted into interviewer mode. I only hoped she didn't feel I had put her on the spot. But now that I knew how much my ass was literally riding on this, I would wingwoman the hell out of it.

The car dropped me off in front of a strip mall. I didn’t immediately see my destination, and I turned around to say we were in the wrong place, but he sped off before I could stop him.

Since I couldn’t leave, I moved to the sidewalk and searched the storefronts. When I was about to give up, I saw what I was looking for: a tiny sign that read, “Sprout and Sprigs.” The moment I opened the door, a cacophony of unappealing smells hit me, making me wrinkle my nose.

I looked around, and a woman with pink hair and an eyebrow ring approached. She was far too happy to see someone, and I wondered if I was their first customer—not that I would ever shop here.

“Hey! Welcome to Sprout and Sprigs, your one-stop shop for vegetarian cuisine. How may I assist you today? We have some delicious new meals prepped and ready for consumption, or we can set you up with Shy, our menu planner, who can give you ideas specific to your tastes and needs.”

As she bombarded me with information, my mind performed mental gymnastics, trying to find a polite way to express my severe disinterest.

“It’s okay, Yoni. She’s here to see me.” Shiloh approached, wearing a darker shirt than yesterday but still gray.

She brushed her bangs off her forehead, and something between a grimace and a smile appeared across her lips. I wondered if she was in pain for a second, but then she settled on a closed-mouth smirk, and it was clear it was discomfort.

“Oh, okay. But if you want to try something on your way out, we have sweet treats, too,” Yoni said, and I had to stop myself from laughing on so many levels.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” After locking eyes with her, I winked, and a blush filled her cheeks.

I wasn’t a big flirt myself, but I knew the art of making someone feel special. It was the simple things that people wanted, and maybe seeing how easy it was would inflate Shiloh’s titties enough for her to put it into practice.

“Why don’t we go to my office?” she said curtly, letting me know she wanted to get this show on the road. “May I grab you a drink first?” she questioned before opening the door to what appeared to be a storage closet but must have been what she was referring to as an office.

It housed two folding chairs and a small end table, which left no room to maneuver. Our only option was to sit, and it was so cramped I worried we might run out of oxygen.

I shook my head in response to her offer, not that anything else could have even fit in the space with us. “This is quaint.” I tried to keep my breath steady and not let the claustrophobia take over.

“We are just starting out and couldn’t afford a bigger place.” She appeared embarrassed, and I hated that.

I knew what it was like trying to get established. Before making a name for myself, I did almost anything for ratings. Thinking about what I was doing now and what I would have to do if this assignment didn’t work out, I guess not much had changed. But at least I was making better money for allowing people to dictate my life.

“I get it, but you’ve got a great space here. And I could always drop the name of your shop on the show to see if it will get you more business.” I probably shouldn’t have said that because I had sponsors who paid a lot of money to get mentioned, but seeing the defeated look in her brown puppy-dog eyes saddened me.

I wasn’t normally a bleeding heart, but it was impossible to sit in front of her without feeling a pang of sympathy. The energy she exuded was genuine but heavy. She seemed to control the emotions of the room somehow, and I realized she was completely unaware of her power.

“Yeah? That would be amazing. But…” She didn’t complete that thought.

Maybe I should have let it go so Matrix wouldn’t be mad at me for doing a free plug. But something inside me wanted to know what she was thinking.

“But what?” I asked.

“I don’t want you to offer fake support, especially if I’m not paying you.” She was so earnest, and that was rare.

“I’m guessing Yoni would pay me with her muffin.” My innuendo made me laugh, but Shiloh’s reaction made me wonder if I had crossed the line. “I’m sorry. That was inappropriate.”

She snickered under her breath. “It was funny and definitely true.” She stared at me as she hid behind her long eyelashes.

“I’ll try to keep my commentary to a minimum. Sometimes, my mouth becomes the life of the party before my brain is invited.”

“I don’t mind your off-color humor. I just don’t always know how to respond.” She stared at me as if it was my cue to say something.

“I get that, but I’ll still try to be on my best behavior. Most of the time, I’m encouraged to push the envelope, and I don’t have a lot of experience in one-on-one situations.” That was more open than I probably needed to be, which meant it was time to direct the conversation to her. “So, back to the topic at hand. Why don’t you tell me what you do, and maybe I can promote your services.”

She ran a hand through her hair again, this time causing her bangs to flop in her eyes. Then she jerked her head to the side, trying to get them to fall back into place. She didn’t have much luck and used her fingers to tuck them behind her ear. If she added a playful smirk to that move, she would instantly become irresistible to women.

“I help people come up with meal ideas based on their specific needs: dietary needs, time restrictions, flavor profile… you name it.”

I stared at her blankly because I forgot I had asked her a question and was playing catch-up. “Oh, that’s great. You can start with me. I hate cooking. I’ll eat anything…” I paused and mumbled, “That’s what she said,” then continued, “and I don’t like hot things.” I shivered thinking about the Pepper Parade.