“Why have you changed your tune so quickly?” Her responses were out of character.
“When I went to get something to eat, I heard the voice of reason, and she said, ‘If you’re not ready, take a chill pill and sleep it off.’”
“What does that mean?” I stared at her quizzically, and she shrugged.
“What does anything mean?” She was making my head spin, and for a second, it seemed like I was talking to Devon.
“I’m going home, and I’ll let you know what happens.”
“Are you okay? Can you drive?”
I wasn’t that upset, so I didn’t understand her apprehension. “I’m good. It’s only five minutes away. I think you’re paranoid. You might want to slow down on the edibles.” I shook my head disapprovingly.
“Good idea. Be safe.” She got up and pulled me into a tight hug. “Oh, here’s your phone.” She put it in my back pocket, which was super weird.
“Thanks. You could have just handed it to me.” I removed myself from her embrace.
“Noted. I’ll do that next time.”
I wasn’t sure this day could get any more bizarre. But the only thing I wanted to focus on was making things right with Caz.
Chapter 25
Iwoke up, and my eyes felt strained as if they hadn't fully rested. Tiredness persisted, even though I thought I had been sleeping. I rolled over, and the bitchy sun was shining low but bright. What time was it? It didn’t appear to be the morning glare.
I tried to recall the last thing I remembered, and a wave of disgust rolled through my body when Davia popped into my head. That was right. She was trying to convince me that she had changed and was a better person. Why did it matter? I didn’t care if she was Mother Teresa. What she did in the past would still make me see the devil in her.
I reached for my phone on my nightstand, but it wasn’t there. My brain felt like it was swimming through mud, and my body was heavy. This wasn’t like any hangover I’d ever had. I stretched my arms above my head, preparing to get up, but couldn’t find the strength. So I burrowed under the covers and let the darkness take me once again.
Chapter 26
After leaving Sonya’s, I thought about going to Caz’s, but I didn’t want to pop in without getting the green light. So I figured the best thing to do was head home and see if Ember called. However, when I got out of my car, I went to open my phone, but my passcode didn’t work.
“Whyyyy?” This day hated me, and the feeling was mutual. But after closer inspection, I realized this wasn’t my phone. “Sonya, you dumb-dumb.” I hopped back in the car to return from where I had come, but my mind must have been on autopilot because the next thing I knew, I was sitting outside Java Jive.
It was scary when you arrived somewhere but had no idea how you got there. Road hypnosis was a real thing. I thought about turning around and heading to my original destination, but maybe ending up here was fate. Before exiting the car, I glanced in the mirror to say my mantra: I don’t need to hide. I am the light.
I finally got out, but everything was different. The birds’ harmonious melody was louder and longer—clearer. The air was thick with the smell of roasted coffee, its dark-chocolate scent overpowering even from a distance. It was such an intense sensation that I could almost taste it on my tongue.
When I walked inside, I saw Ember clocking out.
“Hey! I didn’t expect to see you, but dayumm!” She took my hand, spinning me around, but it seemed like it was in slow motion. “You dress up nice.” She seemed genuinely happy to see me, so maybe she wasn’t blowing me off earlier.
“You always look good enough to eat.” With a sheepish expression, I covered my mouth. “I’m sorry. I have food on the brain.”
She chuckled and hooked her arm through mine. “Why don’t we grab something to eat, then? I just got off, and I’m starving.”
I had worked myself up so much earlier for nothing. This was easy. “Sounds good. Where to?” I motioned for her to go first, and she gracefully slid out the door. But with my slow reflexes and her carelessness, it slammed into my face, catching my foot underneath it. “Holy hell.” I tried to jump back on my good foot, but my toes were stuck, and my coordination was off, causing me to bust ass inside the shop.
While everyone else stopped to take notice, Ember remained blissfully unaware as she continued on her merry way. I got up as gracefully as I could, which was not at all, and leaned against the glass while trying to wiggle my toes. My entire foot was aching, but I had no way of knowing how bad the damage was without examining it. Given the level of pain, it wouldn’t surprise me if something was broken.
“Are you okay?” a patron standing next to me asked while trying to hide his huge smirk.
“I’m perfect. Thanks, asshole,” I mumbled that last part as I limped outside, but it made me feel better saying it, even if he couldn’t hear me.