The blood gushes to my ears from what he just said, from how he’s staring at me. My hands tremble, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t find my voice. All of this…for my company?
“Impossible,” I tell him, looking up, feeling a hot flush of anger coloring my cheeks. "Please. Stop with the games.”
While I don’t know Lev Zolotov, I know he’s rich, successful and attractive enough to have far better company than me. He’s toying with me, teasing me, playing with me and now trying to do the same with my feelings. There’s no way a man like him would be into a nobody college girl like me. He’s being unnecessarily cruel.
"Please, Lev," I plead, my anger giving way to vulnerability at not wanting to get hurt in his mess. "Just let me go. I promise I won't tell anyone about this. Just… let me go home."
For a moment, it seems like he might actually consider my request. But then he shakes his head, his stormy blue-gray eyes darkening with an intensity that sends a shiver down my spine. "I can't do that, Pippa," he murmurs, his voice low and dangerous. "You see, I've become… rather fond of you."
"Excuse me?" I choke out, my heart thudding wildly in my chest. “I don’t know why you’re joking around about this and pretending you like me or something. It’s just plain mean,” my voice comes out in choked rasps.
"Like" might be an understatement," Lev admits. "I'm fascinated by you, Pippa. You entertain me and, sometimes, living in this house can get wretchedly boring. Once you get to know me, you’d know I’m many things, but a liar isn’t one of them.”
I sit there, stunned. From the short while I’ve known him, I’ve gauged enough to realize he’s speaking the truth. When he discovered I’m not Lilah, he came and told me so straight away. He’s been honest, and given that track record, there’s no reason he’d be lying now.
My pulse races with fear, fury, and something else entirely. This powerful, rich man finds me fascinating? A thrill goes down my spine at that thought. I’ve never had a man show such interest in me.
I shake my head, and he watches me do it. What am I thinking? I’ve probably got Stockholm syndrome or something. I’m crazy to try justify this behavior of his and need to get out.
"Lev," I whisper, trying one last time. "Please don't do this. I can’t just live here… forever."
"Sorry, Pippa," he replies, his eyes never leaving mine. "I’m sure it won’t be forever. Just for now, I need you here. But like I said before—I'm not your enemy. And whether you believe it or not, It’s just a harmless experiment. You might even come around, for all you know. Trust me, I’m not the enemy here."
"Could've fooled me," I mumble.
For some reason, he smiles. Then, without another word, he turns on his heel and leaves the room, slamming the door shut behind him and sealing my fate. As the sound echoes through the empty space, I crumble to the floor, my head in my hands, and wonder how I'll ever find a way to escape this impossible situation.
I look up and stare at the closed door, my heart pounding in my chest. Lev's words echo in my mind, taunting me with the truth—he's keeping me here because he finds me fascinating.
Sounds obsessive to me.
And despite my determination to hate him for it, I can't deny that there's a part of me that's inexplicably drawn to him, too.
No, I shake the thought away. I can't afford to get caught up in whatever twisted game Lev is playing. I need to focus on one thing and one thing only: getting out of here.
As I survey my surroundings, I take note of every possible exit route and weak point in the room. The window is barred, but maybe I can find a way to pry the grill off. The door is locked, but I'm sure I can figure out how to pick a lock.
Soon enough, a young woman with a name tag that reads Lana enters the room, her arms laden with a tray of food. "Hello, Miss," she greets me cautiously. "I brought you some dinner."
"Thanks, Lana," I reply, forcing a smile onto my face. I know she's just doing her job, but I can't help seeing her as an unwitting accomplice to my captivity. "You seem kind. I was wondering… if you’d like to stay and keep me company?"
Over the hour, I start to form a tentative bond with Lana, and share my meal with her. She seems genuinely concerned for my well-being, and I use that to my advantage, subtly asking questions about the house, its layout, and any potential security measures in place. It's not long before I have a mental map of the entire compound etched into my brain, along with the names and faces of everyone who works here.
"Tell me, Lana," I say just as I cast aside my tray, my voice dripping with faux sweetness. "Do you like working for Lev?"
Her eyes dart around nervously before she finally answers. "He's… not as bad as people think, Miss. He's done a lot for us, and we're grateful."
"Grateful enough to help him keep an innocent girl captive?" I shoot back, unable to contain my bitterness.
"Look, I don't know what's going on between you and the boss," she admits, her voice wavering. "But I can tell you this much—he's not as heartless as you think he is. There's more to him than meets the eye."
"Whatever you say, Lana," I reply, feigning disinterest.
“Sorry, Miss. I think I’ll have to get back to work now,” she murmurs. Just then, I notice some empty jugs of water by my bedside.
“Hey,” I jump up. “Would you mind taking these too?”
I carry two empty jugs and one half-full and purposely cause chaos as I put them on her tray, dropping the water all over the dishes.