I stare at him in disbelief. “Of course I was trying to run away,” I tell him. “What would you do, if you were in my position? I’ve been petrified, worried sick,” I try to reach for his empathy.

"You shouldn’t have tried to run,” he shrugs so calmly, like it’s the most foolish thing I could have done.

“But I had to try!” I say, panicking. “You can’t keep me here without cause. Please, Lev,” I try to appeal to his sense of logic. “What are you even going to do with me here? There’s nothing I can give you. I swear, there’s no one out there for me. No family, no ransom. I swear,” I beg. “I won’t tell anyone a soul. I won’t go to any authority; I won’t speak a word to Lenny. Just let me go.”

“Oh, trust me, sweetheart. I’m not afraid of any cops. And none of this changes a thing.”

My eyes almost fall out of my sockets when I hear what he’s saying. All my hope, my fears, my pleading, disappear to give way to rage at his impossible plan.

"Of course not," I mutter sarcastically and crossing my arms. "Why would facts change anything?"

"Feisty." Lev grins, clearly amused by my defiance. "I like that."

My irritation continues to grow as he remains calm and collected. It's infuriating how he refuses to engage in an argument with me by defending himself. He just lets me say what I want, without ever explaining himself and it’s making me borderline insane.

"Really?" I clench my fists, my anger rising even further. "Well, you know what I don't like? Being kidnapped and held captive by some Bratva boss who can't even handle admitting he's wrong!"

"Ouch," Lev winces theatrically, placing a hand over his heart. "That one hurt."

The one after other quick-witted response, all in that cool-tongued, teasing tone suddenly makes me calm, preventing me from losing all control. In his own way, he’s grounding me again, telling me I’m in no real danger.

Yet, he continues to toy with me, and I don’t know how to win at this game. And of course, I still don’t know what the game is.

“What do you want from me?” I ask, trying to understand. “If you know I’m not Lilah, and that I don’t pose a threat, why aren’t you letting me go?”

He looks taken by surprise, as though he himself is confused as to what he’s doing. I sense a weakness in his plan, and for a second want to break through his barrier, understand what’s going on in his mind. It opens a small window to his soul, this confusion, and I feel my anger melting away.

But then, I remind myself of the fact that he’s probably got a nuclear weapon somewhere in this house and honestly, it would be best if I can get as far away from here as I can.

Even if he is super handsome.

"What do I want from you?" he speaks to himself, taking a step closer. "You’re staying.”

I part my lips, and close them again, at a total and complete loss for words.

“Come on. You have to admit this is more exciting than your old life,” he cajoles.

"Exciting?" I scoff, narrowing my eyes at him. "Being taken away from everything I know and love by a stranger only to be brought into a house full of armed men—that's excitement to you?"

"Most people would kill for the chance to be in your position," Lev replies with a shrug, that infuriating smile still plastered on his face. "You're not exactly suffering here. I heard the jacuzzi in your bathroom is insane."

"Being held against my will?" I shake my head in disbelief. "You have a twisted sense of what constitutes 'suffering'."

"Perhaps," he concedes, his gaze never leaving mine. "But you have to admit, we make quite the pair."

Quite the pair? We? I sit there, stunned at how he’s viewing us as a team. It’s a strange revelation, this concept that I could be in a team with someone else. A thrill goes down my spine, at the thought that someone like Lev finds me interesting enough to not want to let me go. I’ve never had that before, but it’s a dangerous line to let myself cross.

Not to mention, this whole plan is absolutely insane. I look up from my hands, and stare into his blue eyes, for a moment drowning in them. His eyes flicker to my lips, breaking the enchantment, and I whisper—“You’re insufferable.”

"Thank you," Lev grins, clearly enjoying our banter. "I do try my best."

I take a deep breath, trying to remain calm since it’s so clear he likes getting a rise out of me. "So, to conclude. You know I was telling the truth," I say, my voice shaking slightly. "You know I'm not Lenny's daughter. And you’re not going to let me go?”

Lev leans against the doorframe, his arms crossed over his chest, his gaze locked on mine. "That sounds about right," he replies nonchalantly, as if we're discussing the weather instead of my freedom.

"Why?" I demand, my desperation for answers rising to the surface.

"What if I told you I enjoyed your company?" he counters, raising an eyebrow.