There’s so much hanging on that question, the air grows thick. This moment out of time. Before the hammer has dropped and the truth has slapped me in the face. There’s still a chance for the worst not to happen, though the look on Mina’s face doesn’t make me hopeful.
“Fallon Mae. Pleased to finally meet the dreaded Prince of Darkness.” The intruder extends a hand, smirking as her gaze rakes over my body so harshly I want to cover myself. “Huge fan of the undies, by the way.”
I glance down and discover why my underwear put up such a fight. They’re not mine. They’re Mina’s. And they don’t leave much to the imagination. I swoop my pants off the floor and step into them, still not quite processing what the fuck is going on. I look at Mina who’s clutching her blanket to her breasts, her eyes filled with absolute dread.
And so, the hammer drops.
“That’s Fallon Mae,” I bark at Mina, my lips pressed together, like there’s a chance I can hold in what wants out. “You’re friends with Fallon fucking Mae? Like ‘let me give you a key to my house’ friends?”
Mina’s face is slack. Her hair mussed from sleep, her eyes wild. She opens her mouth to respond, closes it, then tries again, only nothing comes out. Her silence is the truth slapping me in the face.
“I’m so sorry, Nathan,” she finally says, her voice cracking. “So unbelievably sorry.”
Fallon backs toward the door. “I can see this isn’t a good time.”
“Damn straight it’s not a good time.” I bite off the words with barely a glance toward the woman who’s made it her mission to ruin my life. My energy is focused on Mina and hers on me.
“I was going to tell you.” Her voice is low. Her eyes filled with shame. If her words hadn’t confirmed she’s been lying to me, her face finishes the job.
“It’s probably best if I leave.” Fallon reaches for the door, then pauses as if she expects some sort of award for recognizing she doesn’t fucking belong here.
I level a finger at Mina. “You’re friends with Fallon fucking Mae and you didn’t think that was something I should have known from the very beginning?” My voice is low and level, while anger and betrayal riot in my veins like twin wildfires. My jaw clenches against the spite I want to hurl at the woman I let myself love.
The woman I let myself trust.
The woman I thought was different from the rest.
“I know; I’m sorry. It was such a mistake not to say anything. I didn’t know she was a problem for you at first.” Mina’s face falls, like she can hear how shitty she sounds.
And in case she doesn’t, I reiterate the most important point of her sentence. “At first.”
“I’ll just show myself out then,” Fallon says, and I turn to glare, all the shit I’m not spewing at Mina aimed at my nemesis. She recoils, whispers a quick, “Sorry!” then slips out the door.
“I kept promising myself I’d tell you, but there was never a good time.” Mina holds out a hand, then balls it into a fist, squeezing her eyes shut, grimacing like she’s so fucking annoyed with herself she doesn’t know what to do.
Which makes two of us.
“I’m damn sure there were better times than this!”
The front door squeaks open then bangs shut, and it feels like the perfect metaphor for my time with Mina. What was open is now closed. Maybe permanently.
“Nathan, please…”
“Don’t ‘please’ me.”
And suddenly I can’t ignore the truth that’s been flashing like a neon sign since last night.
My jaw drops and I step back. “You’re the one who’s been telling her everything. Oh, fuck me. It’s been you this whole time!”
Mina presses up onto her knees, the blanket still clutched to her chest. “Last night’s article she did on her own. Against my will.”
I scrub a hand over my mouth as that one sinks in. “But the ones before that you were fine with.”
“No! I asked her to stop so many times. Fallon thought she was doing you a favor and I told her it wasn’t working the way she thought it would. She said if you were angry, her plan must be working.”
“A favor.” The words drop like an anchor, thudding to the floor at my feet. “How delusional do you have to be to think those articles were a positive experience for me on any level?”
“She thought by showing you how much you’ve changed, it would help you remember who you used to be. And until recently, I didn’t have a lot of reason not to believe what Fallon said about you. But after I got to know you, I could see how terribly wrong she was. I told her who you really are, I swear. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about her…” Mina’s voice trembles. Tears wobble in her eyes. Her little deception is crumbling around her and she’s clinging to hope that something is salvageable. Why? Because she cares about me?