Page 76 of Fake

With a slow sigh, I wrap my arms around her, close my eyes, and let her in. “Micah and Angela told you about Blossom. My girlfriend.”

“Oh my God.” Mina draws back, surprise lifting her brows. “Is The Prince of Darkness really going to shed light on his origin story?”

Everything in me bristles at her joke. “Do you want to hear this or not?”

“I do.” She mimes zipping her lips, then gestures for me to continue.


“Wait, wait, wait.” Mina unzips her lips. “Time out. Pause.”

“I thought you wanted to hear this…”

“Something tells me this story shouldn’t be shared standing in the kitchen.” Taking my hand, she leads me into the living room and pushes me onto the couch, then hands me a pillow before sitting next to me, smiling expectantly.

“What’s this for?” I stare at the thing like I’ve never seen it in my life.

“You put it in your lap. And hug it. Like this.” She grabs the other pillow, crosses her legs underneath her, and wraps her arms around it. “It’s the classic posture for difficult stories.”

With a roll of my eyes, I put the pillow behind my head, throw my arm over the back of the couch, and invite Mina to cuddle in, where she belongs.

“You’re right. That’s a much better idea.” She lays down on her back, her head in my lap, staring up at me with a heartwarming grin. “Okay. Now. Hit me with this origin story.”

I trace my fingers along her features, memorizing the feel of her cheeks, her brows, the gentle upturn of her nose. My thumb drags across her bottom lip and I better start this story soon, before I’m too distracted to continue.

“I met Blossom through the foundation, which crosses all kinds of ethical lines, I know. Hear me out before you judge.”

“Who says I’m judging?”

“Everyone judges, HM. Day in, day out, we’re judging everyone we see. Just imagine if we spent half as much time working on ourselves as we do complaining about other people.”

“That’s a lovely existential point, but you’re stalling, your highness.”

I’m not, but I move on, rather than distract us by disagreeing. “Blossom has two daughters. She came to the foundation because she wanted them to have a better life than she could provide. She was right on the line of qualifying for assistance. Like right there. In fact, if two other families with greater needs hadn’t applied at the same time, she probably would have qualified and none of this would have happened. It’s only because she didn’t qualify that I started talking to her as a person and not a client.”

I’ve spent too many sleepless nights wondering what would have happened if she had qualified for assistance and I hadn’t asked her out. If she hadn’t come into my life to use me, I wouldn’t have decided to push the world away. I wouldn’t have leaned into playing the villain, enjoying my money instead of trying to make up for having it in the first place. I would have just been my normal happy-go-lucky self, living in my modest house…

…and I probably wouldn’t have met Mina. Six months ago, a life without Blossom was my favorite daydream. Now, I can’t imagine missing out on my Hot Mess Express. Mom always said life’s greatest difficulties turn into blessings once you’re on the other side. I’m starting to see her point.

“Anyway,” I say, running a hand through Mina’s silky hair. “I have this tendency of seeing the best in people.”

“You?” She laughs, twisting to meet my eyes. “You think you see the best in people.”

“I do. Or at least I used to. And didn’t you promise to stay quiet?”

She sits all the way up, eyes twinkling. “How can I stay quiet in the presence of such bullshit?”

“Fine. Storytime’s over.” I drop the pillow into my lap and give it a hug. Turns out, it is a surprisingly comforting posture. “You happy now?”

“Nope. Totally discontent. Zero stars. I will not be returning to this establishment.”

Annoyed by how much I like hugging the pillow, I put it back where it belongs and scooch my butt to the edge of the couch. “See if I ever open up to you again.”

“I’m kidding, Nathan.” Mina pushes on my shoulders until I sit back again. “I’ve been around you enough to know you probably did spend most of your life seeing the best in people. I’m teasing because I feel safe with you. Safe to be myself. Safe to be a little silly. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings.”

My heart swells to the size of the sunrise over the ocean and I draw her into my arms and kiss her deeply. “I like that you feel safe with me.”

“Good. Now show me that you feel safe with me.”