Page 58 of Fake



Please tell me you’ve got a date to the ROF auction

And please tell me she’s high-class and deserves you

Mina deserves me

Annnnddd…you’re right back where you started when I found you

What is it with you and these charity cases

Chances are you’re nothing but a giant fucking dollar sign to her

You know that, right?

Need I remind you of the shitshow known as Blossom?

You’re tiptoeing close to a line you shouldn’t cross.

Fine. Fine. This is me, stepping away from the line


Let me ask one question

To make my point clear

What’s she gonna wear? The thrift shop bargain bin shit she always does? What about her hair? Her jewelry? Her makeup?

Your point makes you sound like an asshole

That was never in dispute

I slam my phone down on my desk. I don’t know who I’m madder at, Dom for making the point about Mina’s clothes, me for not seeing it first, or Mina for…


Why would I be mad at her?

It’s not her fault finances are tight. Her dad abandoned her. Her mom got sick. Mina’s doing everything she can to keep her family afloat.

Despite the logical side of my brain recognizing that truth, I still feel a great deal of agitation in her direction. I don’t like knowing she’s scrimping and saving. I don’t like knowing she lives in a cheap apartment surrounded by assholes. I don’t like her driving a shitty car. I don’t like her wearing thrift shop clothes. She deserves so much more.

For as wrong as Dom is, he’s also right. I can’t let her show up to the gala in anything she currently owns. She’ll stand out like a sore thumb. I already did that to her once at my birthday party. I won’t let her be humiliated again. A quick text to Aunt Maisie gets me the name of a reputable women’s clothing store that carries dresses of a certain quality. And then I call Mina.

“I was just thinking of you,” she says and the warmth in her voice goes straight to my dick.

“I’m pretty much always thinking of you,” I mumble, then swipe a hand over my mouth. Dom’s wrong about her. I know he is, because I know her. But I thought I knew Blossom and I promised myself I’d never let someone catch me off guard like that again.

But Mina’s not like that. She’s not keeping things from me. And I can’t be a jaded fuck the rest of my life.

“I’m taking you shopping tonight,” I say with a smile.

There’s a long pause and then, “Shopping?”

“You need a dress for the gala.”