Page 108 of Fake

“If it isn’t the hundred-thousand-dollar girl.’” Dom throws an arm over the back of the chair and looks downright gleeful at the change in her fortune. “I’ll take a scotch on the rocks, doll.”

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

Mina brandishes her tray. “I work here.”

“Yes,” I growl. “But why do you work here?”

When she returned the advance, I assumed she had money coming in to take its place. But if she took a second job, I must be missing pieces of the puzzle.

“The same reason anyone works anywhere,” Mina replies dryly. “Some of us have boring lives that need to be maintained. I’ll be right back with the scotch and whiskey neat.”

Mina pivots and practically runs away before I realize I didn’t place my order. She simply knew what I wanted.

And just like that, I know what I want too. Her. Not a break. Not time apart so she can work herself to the bone to prove something I already know. I want her in my life. In my arms. In my bed. In my heart.

Where she belongs.

“That had to be awkward for poor Ms. Blake, don’t you think?” Dom asks, tutting like he actually cares. “From designer dresses and bidding wars to ‘can I take your order.’”

“Do you ever listen to yourself?” I shake my head. “You’re such a fucking asshole.”

“Never up for debate, brother.”

I stare for a moment. Dominick Taylor was a means to an end. A way to get the backing and donations I needed as quickly as possible. Given that last statement, I think his time in my life has come to its natural conclusion.

“No,” I say with a frown. “I guess it wasn’t.”

I’m out of my chair and squeezing between tables before I know where I’m going, just following Mina’s path because I have to talk to her. She’s standing at the bar with her back to me, tapping her foot on the floor and her fingers on her thigh. I grab her arm and she squeals.

“Nathan!” She places a hand to her heart and exhales. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

How have I gone so long without touching her? Without seeing her? Hearing her? I should have chased her down the second she left my office. I never should have let her leave.

“What happened to opening a business with Benjamin?” I bark, when what I want to know is what do I have to do to get you back in my life?

“Nothing happened.” Mina draws her brows together and turns back to the bar. “We’re moving ahead as planned.”

I step closer—only a whisper of space between us—and lean in to make eye contact, forcing her to look at me. “Then why are you working here?”

A blonde woman with broad shoulders and watchful eyes drapes a towel over her shoulder as she approaches from the other side of the bar. Her gaze rakes me over and she doesn’t look impressed. “Everything good, Mina?”

“It’s fine, Nat.” Mina waves her away. “We’re good. I know him.”

“Is there somewhere we can talk?” I lean even closer. “Privately?”

“I’m at work, Nathan. If you wanted to talk, you could have called or texted or stopped by my apartment or hell, even sent a letter. But now?” Mina shakes her head. “Now’s not a good time.”

I open my mouth to tell her I don’t care about money, that I don’t think she was in league with Fallon and I don’t want her working as a waitress just to make ends meet, but my phone rings with a call.

Mina smiles sadly. “Saved by the bell.”

I pull my phone out to silence it, but see Dad on the caller ID. Anyone else would have gone straight to voicemail but…

“I have to take this,” I say to Mina. “It could be about Nick.”

The defensiveness melts from Mina’s posture. She reaches for me but pauses and crosses her arms instead. “Has there been any news?”

Her eyes meet mine and there she is. The woman I love. The woman I’m tired of living without. The woman who seems more and more like she’s been telling the truth.