“What would you do to me, if you weren’t afraid to break me?” I meet his eyes, still pumping his shaft.
His lips part, his eyes rolling closed. His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows. “This isn’t about me.”
“But it is. You told me to tell you what I want. And I’m here, on my knees, saying that what I want is you. Fucking me the way it feels good. I want to feel you lose control, Micah. I want you to stop worrying about me and just be real.”
He stills, like he’s thinking over my request, then his hips thrust forward, brushing his dick against my lips. I open for him and he fills my mouth, pressing against the back of my throat. Once, twice, and then he pulls away, leaving me gasping as the ache between my inner thighs builds.
“Pants. Off.” He grins as he spits my words back at me, rubbing his erection while I make myself naked. He kisses me. Fervent. Ferocious. Backing me up until my knees hit the bed and I drop down and then he’s on me, sliding me back as he positions himself between my thighs
His thrusts are deep. Insistent. Rough to the point of breaking me and I cry out as our skin slaps. Micah braces himself on either side of my head, the lust in his eyes holding me hostage. My voice takes on a keening, crying, wanton edge. My body trembles and clenches and my heart is all the way open for him.
“Micah!” His name falls from my lips and I fall out of sync with the world. All that matters is Micah, Micah, Micah.
He grips my hips, pulling himself even deeper into me, finding a pleasure so sweet it hurts. With a shudder, he finishes, groaning low and long as I quiver around him, my legs shaking with release.
He was and forever will be my always.
He was my first.
He will be my last.
There’s no doubting that now.
The next morning, a knock at the door startles me a few minutes after Nell catches the bus for school. I look up, frowning, instantly distrustful. Who comes to someone’s house unannounced in this day and age, especially this early in the morning? It’s just past eight and I have to leave for work in twenty minutes. Micah was called in last night to sit at the station while the on-duty crew went on a call and should be home soon. I just want to get rid of whoever’s out there so I can enjoy the little bit of time I have with Micah before I have to leave.
Crossing the room, I unlock the door, then swing it open, freezing when I see who’s here.
Standing right there, in his crisp button up and pressed slacks. His cheeks are pink and his eyes are narrow and…
I jump as he barks my name. “What are you doing here?”
After weeks of living with Micah, a man who looks at me with genuine love in his eyes, the contrast of Julian is startling.
This man never loved me.
“I’ve come to fight for you, Ivy. For us. I can’t just let you go.”
“You can let me go,” I reply. “You have to. I’m already gone.” I find myself smiling in relief because it’s clear I’ve broken his hold on me. I feel no responsibility to make this man happy.
Julian crosses his arms and shakes his head. “I didn’t lose you.”
“Yes.” I grip the door, ready to close it, in case things escalate. “You did.”
“You lost touch with reality. That’s all.” Julian steps closer, his voice gentle now. “It’s cold feet, Ivy. Everyone gets nervous when they start talking about forever.”
“Not when they’re with the right person. A healthy relationship isn’t scary. When you’re with someone who’s good for you, talking about forever is exciting.” Like yesterday, when Micah told me we’d be married already if I hadn’t moved to Seattle. The thought makes me smile, which makes Julian scowl.
“You’re not thinking straight, Ivy. I’m good for you. You know that.”
The door is a barrier between us, mostly closed, and I step further behind it. “Why are you here?”